DataStax and Data Driven Clouds

June 18, 2013

DataStax uses an Apache Cassandra based NoSQL platform, which is widely gaining an advantage over relational database competitors. Silicon Angle covers the latest DataStax news in its article, “DataStax and The New Rules Of Data-Driven Clouds – Breaking the Oracle Chains.”

The article begins:

“Big Data is accessible for any organization – whether big or small, reaching across the spectrum of data demands, in clouds throughout the world – and your best possible data infrastructure can be achieved quickly, easily and with cost-effectiveness with DataStax and Apache Cassandra. In a recent conversation with DataStax CEO Billy Bosworth, we talked about the growing market and infrastructure opportunities that are steadily being realized with their enterprise-ready big data platform.”

Enterprise-ready Big Data is indeed a big market. Others are successfully competing. LucidWorks focuses on Apache Lucene Solr as its architecture, as opposed to a NoSQL platform. In addition to a customizable out-of-the-box solution, LucidWorks also boasts industry leading support and services, which sets it apart from the pack. LucidWorks Big Data is indeed an enterprise-ready Big Data platform, ready to go toe-to-toe with the best that DataStax has to offer.

Emily Rae Aldridge, June 18, 2013

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