Enterprises Move Away from Oracle

June 19, 2013

Recent news tells us that Netflix, Openwave Messaging, and Ooyala have moved away from Oracle and into the DataStax fold. DataStax is an Apache Cassandra based enterprise and Big Data solution centered on NoSQL database architecture. The latest news by ZDNet is offered in their article, “DataStax CEO: Open source databases onslaught for Oracle.”

The article begins:

“Enterprises are increasingly moving to open source database to cut their dependence on Oracle, Apache Cassandra has a strong community resistant to fracturing and business leaders are calling the tech shots at first over CIOs. Those are some of the key takeaways from my chat with DataStax CEO Billy Bosworth. Bosworth, a former Oracle database admin and executive at Quest Software, has been pushing an enterprise version of the Apache Cassandra NoSQL database platform.”

While NoSQL databases are making a strong showing, there are other open source search architectures to choose from as well. For instance, LucidWorks builds its value-added open source search and Big Data solutions on top of the trusted power of Apache Lucene Solr. But LucidWorks sets itself apart by offering an industry-leading support and services package, which sets enterprise developers and users at ease.

Emily Rae Aldridge, June 19, 2013

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