LucidWorks Webinar Available on Solr 4

July 3, 2013

Several posts of late have revolved around the news of the Solr 4 release. The open source community is excited and ready to see what this new iteration can do. LucidWorks is a company that builds its value-added search and Big Data products on top of the Apache Lucene Solr platform. They have a genuine vested interest in the Lucene Solr open source community. One of their experts offered a webinar on Solr 4. Read the details in the release, “Webinar: Solr 4, the NoSQL Search Server.”

The summary begins:

“The long awaited Solr 4 release brings a large amount of new functionality that blurs the line between search engines and NoSQL databases. Now you can have your cake and search it too with Atomic updates, Versioning and Optimistic Concurrency, Durability, and Real-time Get! Learn about new Solr NoSQL features and implementation details of how the distributed indexing of Solr Cloud was designed from the ground up to accommodate them.”

The presentation was done by Yonik Seeley, an expert in the field if there ever was one. Seeley created Apache Solr and is a co-founder at LucidWorks. This sort of training from an expert is invaluable and LucidWorks is providing it for free! Do not miss your opportunity to get up to speed on all that Solr 4 has to offer.

Emily Rae Aldridge, July 3, 2013

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