Lucene Solr Updates Released

July 12, 2013

The latest Developer Break news update on The H gives a rundown on the most important notes for developers. Read the full story at, “Developer Break: Lucene, Solr, Spring Roo, Node.js, PyQt 5 and more.”

The update begins with a focus on the latest in the world of Apache Lucene Solr:

“Apache’s Lucene search library and Solr search platform have had a bug fix update to version 4.3.1. The Lucene 4.3.1 update includes fixes for a deadlock bug and an optimisation, while Solr’s 4.3.1 update offers many fixes for SolrCloud. Downloads for Lucene and Solr are available from the usual mirrors.”

Value-added solutions that are built upon open source have the benefit of constant updates and improvements due to the frequent update schedule kept by open source solutions. Unlike proprietary solutions, like Microsoft SharePoint for instance, major updates are not rolled out every few years, but rather small, continuous, unobtrusive improvements are the norm. LucidWorks, which uses Apache Lucene and Solr as the basis of its architecture, benefits from the cost effectiveness and scalability that open source brings. Frequent improvements to the architecture mean that users are never lagging behind.

Emily Rae Aldridge, July 12, 2013

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