The Many Projects of SumoBrain Solutions

July 15, 2013

Often times we come across companies so interesting that they deserve a write-up of their own — news or no current news. We stumbled upon SumoBrain Solutions and were intrigued enough to delve into their About Us.

SumoBrain Solutions participated in last year’s PE2E (Patent End-to-End) pilot project and developed a solution to the US Patent and Trademark Office that they integrated into the non-search architecture.

Also of note is their technology to support complex search optimization for their chemical industry client. We learned:

“A matrix query is particularly powerful when a user desires a dataset based on 2 or more dimensions. For example, rather than asking for all patents where the assignee is IBM, Intel, or Microsoft, the user might request all datasets where the assignee is IBM, Intel, or Microsoft, by year for the last 20 years. Other use cases include mapping term lists against assignees or … The conventional way of running such queries was to run each permutation – and depending on the number of dimensions and the number of possibilities in each dimension, this approach can quickly become intractable. Our innovative approaches to this challenge and many other complex search problems have given us the most powerful and scalable capabilities on the market.”

Their projects don’t stop there. They are also working on a project with Harvard University Business School on historical and geographical trends in patenting activity in the US.

Megan Feil, July 15, 2013

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