Text Analytics Pros Daily

July 17, 2013

We have found a new resource: an aggregation tailored to data analysts, The Text Analytics Pros Daily, is now available at the content curation site Paper.li. The page pulls in analytics-related news arranged under topics like Business, Technology, Education, and the Environment. Our question: what are their criteria for “pros”?

For those unfamiliar with Paper.li, it is a platform that allows users to create their own aggregations by choosing their sources and customizing their page. Their description specifies:

“The key to a great newspaper is a great newsroom. The Paper.li platform gives you access to an ever-expanding universe of articles, blog posts, and rich media content. Paper.li automatically processes more than 250 million social media posts per day, extracting & analyzing over 25 million articles. Only Paper.li lets you tap into this powerful media flow to find exactly what you need, and publish it easily on your own online newspaper.”

As I peruse the page, I see many articles from a wide variety of sources; Marketwired, the Conference Board, Marketing Cloud, and assorted tech bloggers. There is a lot of information here— it is worth checking out for any content analytics pros (or hobbyists.)

Cynthia Murrell, July 17, 2013

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