Autonomy ArcSight Tackles Security

August 2, 2013

HP Autonomy is chasing the Oracle SES angle: security for search. We took a look at the company’s pages about HAVEn, Autonomy’s latest big data platform. Regarding the security feature, ArcSight Logger, the company promises:

“With HP ArcSight Logger you can improve everything from compliance and risk management to security intelligence to IT operations to efforts that prevent insider and advanced persistent threats. This universal log management solution collects machine data from any log-generating source and unifies the data for searching, indexing, reporting, analysis, and retention. And in the age of BYOD and mobility, it enables you to comprehensively manage an increasing volume of log data from an increasing number of sources.”

More information on HAVEn can be found in the YouTube video, “Brian Weiss Talks HAVEn: Inside Track with HP Autonomy.” At the 1:34 mark, Autonomy VP Weiss briefly describes how ArcSight analyzes the data itself, from not only inside but also outside an enterprise, for security clues. For example, a threatening post in social media might indicate a potential cyber-attack. It is an interesting approach. Can HP make this a high revenue angle?

Cynthia Murrell, August 02, 2013

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