Solr Update Goes Live

August 12, 2013

The Solr 4.4 update has been big news, exciting the open source search community. LucidWorks builds its LucidWorks Search and LucidWorks Big Data solutions on top of the Apache Lucene Solr project. Their developer devoted blog, SearchHub, pays attention to the latest update in its article, “Solr 4.4 Went Live this Week! – A Brief Summary.”

The article jumps right into the changes users can expect in Solr 4.4:

“Probably the biggest news is the new schemaless mode, or perhaps more aptly named schema guessing, where Solr tries to figure out what data-types to use based on the data you submit. While this puts to rest one of the bigger remaining complaints about Solr, it’s not recommended for production; this is the same recommendation that other schemaless engines advise. For example, if you’re going to be sorting and faceting over millions and millions of documents, you want to use the most compact numeric type that will suffice for your numeric fields.”

The good news for value-added open source enterprise solutions like LucidWorks is that when the open source foundation receives an update, the benefits automatically trickle down into the value-added solutions. Users of LucidWorks know that they can count on the latest technology that is fully supported by an award-winning company.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 12, 2013

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