Companies Now Able to Purchase Ad Space on LinkedIn

August 24, 2013

The article LinkedIn Selling More Marketing Content Into Users’ Feeds on ComputerWorld states that LinkedIn, the professionals social networking site, has recently introduced “sponsored updates”. Companies are now able to purchase ad space that will appear on LinkedIn user feeds. Users have the choice of liking, ignoring, sharing or commenting on the posts. The article explains,

“The aim of the sponsored updates program is to let businesses engage select communities of LinkedIn members with useful information that can come in the form of an article, blog post, video or presentation, LinkedIn said. Marketers will be able to target any segment of the site’s 225 million members based on professional profile data… There are currently more than 3 million company pages on LinkedIn.”

Of course this is a common enough resource for social sites including Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. These sites have largely dismissed the risk of annoying the users with these ads. LinkedIn will have the ability to control who gets what ads, and keep them relevant to the users based on their jobs or interests. For the past six months LinkedIn has been testing the step with such companies as Nissan and Xerox. Soon, any business with a company page will be able to buy sponsored updates, which will be clearly marked.

Chelsea Kerwin, August 24, 2013

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