Attensity: Pumping Up Effort in Europe?

September 7, 2013

Steinbrück gewinnt TV-Duell im Netz haushoch” reported that Attensity identified more negative answers in a televised debate. Who were the debaters? Angela Merkel and Peer Steinbrrück. Like many US political debates, the Wirtschafts Woche report suggested there was no clear winner.

What I find interesting is that Attensity is using its methods to analyze political debates in Germany as a marketing tactic. I just returned from Europe, and I formed the opinion that the economy of Germany and a some other large European countries was not exactly in turbo-charge mode.

Will Attensity close deals with this approach to marketing? I don’t know, but if Attensity does book some big deals with data analysis, I anticipate a rush of me-too efforts.

Unfortunately, the analyses by Attensity and others are only able to support the no clear winner conclusion. Is this a common problem of next generation analytics programs?

I address some of these issues in my ISS lecture in late September. See the ISS program for more information.


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