HP Autonomy Brings Secure Cloud Sharing to the Workplace

September 21, 2013

HP Autonomy aims to bring stronger security to the cloud with Autonomy LinkSite, a solution that integrates WorkSite, the division’s on-site data management solution, with HP’s public cloud-based sharing and collaboration service Flo CM. Market Wired shares the details in, “HP Autonomy Delivers Proven and Secure Enterprise-Grade Alternative to Consumer File Sharing Services.”

It has not taken long for many of us to get used to today’s cloud-based, consumer file-sharing technology. We want to be able to share anything of any size with anyone from any device, synchronizing instantly. Such expectations brought into the workplace from our personal habits can mean real security headaches for businesses. At the same time, continuing to rely on the very limiting method of sharing files through email is becoming less and less tenable. The press release tells us:

“Autonomy LinkSite combines an enterprise-grade document and email management system with the ease of use and simplicity of a consumer solution. It provides the enterprise with a single, integrated, user-friendly tool for external file sharing and collaboration. Autonomy LinkSite enables a single file or an entire project folder to be shared in the cloud with internal and external collaborators, directly from the Autonomy WorkSite application. . . .

“‘For the first time, organizations no longer have to turn a blind eye to continued use of undocumented consumer file sharing services,’ said Neil Araujo, general manager, Enterprise Content Management, HP Autonomy. “Businesses now have a very attractive alternative that satisfies the needs of the users as well as the IT and compliance teams.'”

The write-up lists the following benefits of this new tool: collaboration across firewalls; the convenience of a single point of access for each user; synchronization across all employee devices; an ease of use that they say surpasses that of the consumer-grade file-sharing options; and, perhaps most importantly, the “seamless” extension of security, authorization, and audit properties from WorkSite into the cloud.

Tech giant HP purchased Autonomy in what was, let’s just say, a much-discussed deal back in 2011. Founded in 1996, Autonomy grew from research originally performed at Cambridge University. Their solutions help prominent organizations around the world manage large amounts of data.

Cynthia Murrell, September 21, 2013

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