Bloomberg Has Web Traffic Bragging Rights

September 24, 2013

Bloomberg and Reuters are competitive information sources, each one is always trying to out do the other in some form or another. We just learned from Mashable that Bloomberg claimed some bragging rights: “Bloomberg Surpasses Reuters In Web Traffic For July.” Since December 2010, Reuters has had the most Web traffic, but now the tower has toppled. In July, Reuters had 248.4 million page views and 24.1 million uniques, while Bloomberg had 418.6 million page views and 24.8 million uniques.

How did this happen?

“Trevor Fellows, head of advertising sales for the Bloomberg Media Group, says the rise in traffic partially stems from the expansion of the content on both Bloomberg Businessweek and The former, the outgrowth of Bloomberg’s 2009 acquisition of Businessweek, led to more business-centered content rather than a narrower focus on finance news.”

Fellows also mentions that Bloomberg has been increasing its video output and many users are coming to its news service Web sites specifically for that. Bloomberg is making more than 200 videos a day and the company is concentrating on diversifying its content for watching on multiple platforms. Reuters, not surprisingly, did not comment on the change over. Does this point towards a change in how users are consuming their news? Watching instead of reading?

Whitney Grace, September 24, 2013

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