Brainspace from PureDiscovery Makes Leaps in Enterprise Search

September 28, 2013

The article titled PureDiscovery Wants to Remake Search In the Brain’s Image, Raises $10M To Do It on Gigaom will interest all those invested in the race for the best search platform. PureDiscovery, a company based out of Dallas, TX, corralled $10 million dollars for its reinvention of enterprise search called Brainspace. PureDiscovery has been well known in the enterprise search game for some time, and now hopes to widen it’s aims with a cloud-based platform and soon to be released Brainspace technology. Founder Dave Copps explains the new direction the company has taken,

“The idea… is to create interest graphs linking people and documents with concepts. So if I’m interested in “big data,” for example, BrainSpace should point me to internal company documents about that topic, but also to external content and to people who know a lot about it. Ideally, it identifies people based not just on keywords in their profiles, but on their interaction with big data content and perhaps their activity on the corporate social network.”

The article also reports on a demo of the new software, in which the user highlights a passage from one piece of content, deposits it in “the brain”, and is rewarded with a new set of related content. PureDiscovery even believes that there project will find mass appeal to consumers across the Internet.

Chelsea Kerwin, September 28, 2013

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4 Responses to “Brainspace from PureDiscovery Makes Leaps in Enterprise Search”

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