A Lesson from the Movies

October 1, 2013

Most movies these days are full of special effects with very little story, but sometimes a movie will defy the current trends and actually teach the viewers something. Clear CI learned not one, but many lessons from the new movie Jobs staring Ashton Kutcher. They discuss their findings in the article, “Four Competitive Intelligence Tips Learned From the Movie ‘JOBS.’” Frankly, I have never heard much about competitive intelligence until reading this post, but it is used to predict future consumer trends and what products they will want. This leads into tip number one about figuring out what people want before they know they want it.

Tip number two advises to do something new and original. Competitive intelligence gives people the edge they need top figure out what that “something new is.” Number three corresponds with the previous tip, because it deals with solving problems. New ideas are usually inspired to solve a problem, but other companies may have the same idea. Using competitive intelligence gives a company the opportunity to gather insights about rivals and get their message into the market.

The last tip is about changing the future and whatnot:

“Peter Drucker once said, ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it’” Who wants to copy or react based on information from the past, when organizations can use competitive intelligence software to disrupt markets and potentially change the world with revolutionary products. In the movie, Jobs was taken by surprised when Woz, his friend and partner, told him he had created an operating system. Job saw it as the “’industrial revolution.’ He said: ‘This changes everything…Your big, evolved brain wanted something that didn’t exist, so you just willed it into existence.’ Competitive intelligence provides valuable information for organizations to develop revolutionary products.”

Perfect advice from the great mind of Steve Jobs. Watch the movie and see how JOBS can inspire you as well as learn a bit more about competitive intelligence.

Whitney Grace, October 01, 2013

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