Support From End Users Important to SharePoint Adoption

November 22, 2013

SharePoint is becoming a bigger deployment with each upgrade, making training and professional development increasingly important. PD opportunities abound, including an upcoming one in DC, “Asif Rehmani to Speak on the Importance of SharePoint Adoption in Washington DC.”

The release begins:

“SharePoint for Corporate Communicators takes place from November 13-15 at the Microsoft Technology Center in Washington D.C. The conference features numerous speakers, workshops and break-out sessions to help SharePoint users learn how to create an intranet that boosts knowledge sharing, employee engagement and productivity within SharePoint. On November 13, from 3-5 pm EST, Rehmani will lead a pre-conference workshop on the important topic of SharePoint adoption. He will discuss the importance of having SharePoint work efficiently within an organization as well as gaining support from end users.”

Stephen E. Arnold of Arnold IT has been following SharePoint since its inception. His recent concerns center around the fact that SharePoint is incapable of completing its main mission, search. However, with Office 365, the bells and whistles are taking center stage, and deployments are requiring increasing customization. Keep an eye on Arnold IT for the latest regarding SharePoint and ways to make it work for your enterprise.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 22, 2013


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