Document Workspace Work Around in SharePoint 2013
March 7, 2014
As with every new version of any software, certain new features are gained while other favorites are potentially lost. However, most clever software aficionados can find a clever work around. That is just the case in the recent Redmond Magazine article, “How To Create a Document Workspace in SharePoint 2013.”
The article begins:
“There is no Workspaces Tab or obvious way to create a sub site based on the Document Workspace in the browser. Or is there…? Let’s take a look. In this article I start with a site collection with the top-level site based on the team site template in my development environment . . . It bears to mention that officially the Document Workspace is listed as one of the features that has been discontinued or modified and the reason listed is that all the functionality is available with the team site template.”
Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in all things search and a frequent contributor to the SharePoint discussion on his Web site, He has also found that the most satisfied SharePoint users are those who customize and make the most of their implementation. If that means holding on to some favorite features with a little bit of creativity, then that is an added bonus.
Emily Rae Aldridge, March 7, 2014