New Spin for Unstructured Content
October 6, 2014
I read “Objective Announces Partnership with Active Navigation, Helping Organisations Reduce Unstructured Content by 30%.” The angle is different from some content marketing outfits’ approach to search. Instead of dragging out the frequently beaten horse “all available information,” the focus is trimming the fat.
According to the write up:
The Active Navigation and Objective solution, allows organisations to quickly identify the important corporate data from their ROT information, then clean and migrate it into a fully compliant repository
How does the system work? I learned:
Following the Objective Information Audit, in which all data will be fully cleansed, an organisation’s content will be free of ROT information and policy violations. Immediate results from an Objective Information Audit typically deliver storage reductions of 30% to 50%, lowering the total cost of ownership for storage, while improving the performance of enterprise search, file servers, email servers and information repositories.
Humans plus smart software do the trick. In my view, this is an acknowledgement that the combination of subject matter experts plus software deliver a useful solution. The approach does work as long as the humans do not suffer “indexing fatigue” or budget cuts. Working time can also present a challenge. Management can lose patience.
Will organizations embrace an approach familiar to those who used decades old systems? Since some state of the art automated systems have delivered mixed results, perhaps a shift in methods is worth a try.
Stephen E Arnold, October 6, 2014