Attensity Partners with Moreover at LexisNexis

February 6, 2015

Attensity has cut a deal with LexisNexis for sentiment analysis. Well, technically with the content delivery firm Moreover Technologies, which is now part of LexisNexis. We learn of the deal from a press release at PRNewswire, “Attensity Announces Strategic Alliance with Moreover; Extends Lead Over Competitors for Most Comprehensive Sentiment Analytics on the Market.” Our question—is Lexis Nexis profitable? The write-up tells us:

“Moreover (recently acquired by LexisNexis) provides Attensity direct access to its media management data through the Moreover API, enabling brands to aggregate vast amounts of web resources for real-time sentiment analytics to anticipate industry and consumer shifts. Attensity has incorporated Moreover’s Metabase of news sources into its Pipeline and recently updated Attensity Q solutions, as well as made it available for deep dive business intelligence analysis in Attensity Analyze.”

We’re informed that Attensity can now boast over 550 million data sources—websites, forums, social media, and the like. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, Attensity is at the fore of the natural language processing and sentiment analysis fields. Rooted in their development of tools that serve the intelligence community, the company now provides real-time discovery solutions to Global 1000 companies.

Moreover began aggregating global news sources since 1998, and has built their award-winning enterprise data distribution and analytical tools on that early foundation. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, the company was acquired by LexisNexis in October 2014.

LexisNexis’ specialty is workflow solutions for the legal, risk management, corporate, government, law enforcement, accounting, and academic markets. The company traces its roots to the U.K.’s Butterworth publishing house, founded way back in 1818. It is now headquartered in Albany, New York.

Cynthia Murrell, February 06, 2015

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