Googler Norvig Provides Some Clues about Smart Software

March 8, 2015

If you are into the Google, you will want to view the 30 minute talk by Dr. Peter Norvig. He is a heavy hitter in smart software.

Not art. A visualization. Source: Peter Norvig, Google, 2015.

To get the program navigate to this link. Don’t bother to register for the slides, you have to provide a “real” name and then the link generates a blank page. Nifty.

The key point for me was, and I am paraphrasing:

Yep, Google can learn from examples. This is good for Google and a validation of Autonomy’s training methods.

For more insights about program optimization, Google’s approach to self driving autos, and advertising, view the video. Norvig’s operative word is “suggestive.” Wolfram Alpha is, as I understand the video, handcrafted and not Googley.

Stephen E Arnold, March 8, 2015


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