Google’s Corporate Sovereignty Is Not Confined to US
June 1, 2015
The article on The Daily Dot titled The United States of Google reacts to the information that Google now spends more on lobbying than any other company. This may not come as a huge surprise, but it does carry heavy implications about the power and affluence of the country- er, company. This explains a great deal of the tension that Google faces in Europe, where competition is more favorable than monopoly. The article refers to the event in 2010 of Google leaving its partnership with China after controversy over censorship. The article explains,
In one sense, this was a righteous step for Google, demonstrating that they knew how to put its foot down in the face of toxic regimes. But in another sense, it was a scary moment, too. After all, do we really want Google to be more effective than the U.S. itself when it comes to dealing with tyrants?… “Does Google have more direct impact on human rights and freedoms in China than the Obama Administration?”
The article goes on to discuss what “Googlestan” might look like in a very lighthearted yet ominous tone. The ubiquity of Google is at the center of the concern- who can get through a day without relying on some aspect of Google’s services, from Gmail to Chrome to search? By becoming so dependent on a company as individuals, a nation and perhaps even a world, have we created a monster?
Chelsea Kerwin, June 1, 2014
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