Google: Data Center Tour

April 5, 2016

If you marvel at all things Google, you will enjoy “Behind the Scenes and 360 at Google’s Dalles Data Center.” Dalles is not a suburb of the Cowboys’ football stadium, however. The video is a virtual tour of a “secret” Google facility. Even better, the article tells me the data center “is a highly secure area most Google employees aren’t even able to access.” There you go.

The article points out this surprising fact:

While the video is – naturally – highly curated, it nonetheless provides an interesting insight into Google’s vast data center, which can hold more than 750,00 machines and what’s behind running it all – from the sizeable hard drive shredder to very colorful water pipes – in Google colors of course.

Of course and naturally. Here’s the link.

Enjoy as long as you have Google Chrome, the YouTube app on m mobile gizmos, or the wonderful Google Cardboard thing. For information about the security in use at some Google facilities, check out this article too.

Stephen E Arnold, April 5, 2016


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