Hewlett Packard Enterprise: Emulating IBM?

March 3, 2017

I read “HPE Misses Q1 Revenue Estimates.” The interesting point to me is that HPE seems to be following in IBM footsteps: Declining revenues, interesting explanations. Stakeholders cannot spend explanations in my experience. The write up references the HPE top dog who allegedly said:

I believe HOPE remains on the right track.

HOPE is a product. Believe it or not? The write up points out that HOPE’s revenue was eroding across the companies lines of business. What’s the fix? The right leadership team.

Rah, rah.

Perhaps HPE will prevail in its legal machinations related to the company’s purchase of Autonomy? Perhaps the “right leadership team” will understand that emulating IBM’s chatter about the future may not be enough to deal with the present market climate.

Oh, one more question: Will the “right leadership team” understand the phrase caveat emptor? HPE continues to try to find ways to shift the burden of Hewlett Packard’s own decisions to others.

Could some stakeholders rightly ask, “How about shifting to revenue growth?”

Stephen E Arnold, March 3, 2017


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