Elastic Stack Offers Machine Learning Functionality on the Side
June 1, 2017
Elastic, the company behind the Elasticsearch stack, has announced the release of a commercial add-on available via X-Pack. The product will detect unusual changes or anomalies in Elasticsearch’s real-time data results.
Elastic is not overpromising the features of the add-on – a fact that is praised by Infoworld in Elasticsearch Stack Wises Up with Machine Learning:
One possible issue is that non-open-source machine learning applications can look more impressive than they actually are. Elastic is avoiding that (for now) by confining the promise of the new features to specific, well-defined goals. It’s also likely to be even more powerful when a full non-beta version is available at the scale provided by cloud partners like Google.
Elastic, based on Lucene, has emerged as the go-to choice for enterprise search. A free and open source version of the software is available at https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch. By keeping its goals realistic, is Elastic poised to not only be in the race for the long haul, but win the search gold medal?
Mary Pattengill, June 1, 2017