Facebook Is Making People Depressed. We Are Socially Sad

January 29, 2018

As anyone who has spent even a moment on social media knows, jealousy and depression are practically part of the algorithm. Seeing others’ success and happiness tends to put us in a funk, no matter how hard we try not to look. Turns out, this is a pretty common reaction as we discovered after reading a recent Phys.org piece, “A Secret History of Facebook Depression.”

The story tells us what we pretty much already know:

“If the research is any indication, you may actually be finding Facebook and other social media sites aren’t so great for your mental health. Instead of feeling blissfully open and connected with your friends, you feel inadequate or maybe even a bit depressed.”

Yep, that sounds about like our usual experience seeing an amazing family vacation photo by an ex, or news of another promotion by your enemy at work. It turns out the youngest generation is actually ahead of the rest of the world on this one. According to the Independent, millennials are leaving social media and finding quite a bit of happiness in the process. The tricky part is taking advice from 20-somethings in order to overcome the destructive side effects of social media. The bright side is that the approach spins cash.

Patrick Roland, January 29, 2018


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