Does Google Have an Edge in B2B?

September 3, 2018

Amazon is the undisputed king of eCommerce, but that doesn’t mean they have a corner on every market. When it comes to business-to-business transactions the waters are a little more murky. We learned just how competitive this arena has become from a recent Search Engine Watch story, “B2B Audiences Find Business Content Most Often Through Search.”

According to the story:

“Clutch’s survey of 384 consumers of online business content found that 87% of respondents frequently encounter business content using search engines, slightly more than the 85% who find business content through social media and 75% who encounter content most frequently on company websites.”

The story alludes to the fact that most of this work is done via Google or other B2B engines. This leaves Amazon high and dry, so they have tried to do something about it recently by behaving more like a B2B platform, offering customers invoicing options that allow them to wait 30 days for payment. However, sellers are furious. This, obviously, means people who were normally paid immediately will now have to wait a month and that’s a big change for many. We suspect that Amazon will iron out this wrinkle, but if not, they could get further behind in this realm.

But Amazon does offer search for what many people seek: Products.

Patrick Roland, September 3, 2018


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