DarkCyber for July 23, 2019, Now Available
July 23, 2019
DarkCyber for July 23, 2019, is now available at www.arnoldit.com/wordpress and on Vimeo at https://www.vimeo.com/349282829. The program is a production of Stephen E Arnold. It is the only weekly video news shows focusing on the Dark Web, cybercrime, and lesser known Internet services.
This week’s DarkCyber reports about Australia’s use of its anti-encryption law; tools for video piracy, a profile of SearchLight Security’s Cerberus system, and where to get information needed to join a Dark Web forum.
This week’s lead story concern easily findable software to facilitate video piracy and streaming. A report in TorrentFreak presents information from an unnamed source. This individual allegedly has been involved in video piracy and streaming for an extended period of time. The individual provides specific information about some of the software needed to remove digital rights management protections from commercial, copyrighted video content. The DarkCyber research team was able to locate software designed for the same purpose. No Dark Web and Tor were required. More significantly, these programs can be located by anyone with access to a browser and a Web search engine like Bing, Google, or Yandex. DarkCyber’s research has revealed that industrialized crime is now playing a larger role in streaming stolen video content.
Other stories in the July 23, 2019, program are:
First, Australia’s anti encryption law is now being put to use. The new regulations were used in the warrant to obtain content from a journalist. Australia is a member of the Five Eyes confederation. Australia’s law requires companies to cooperate with law enforcement and provide access to encrypted and other secured information. Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States are likely to have elected officials who will seek to implement similar laws. News organizations in Australia perceive such laws as a threat.
Second, DarkCyber profiles a company founded in 2017 focused on providing law enforcement and intelligence professionals with an investigative tool. The company indexes a range of content, including forums, Dark Web sites and services, and social media content. Plus the company has created an easy-to-use interface which allows an investigator or analyst to search for a person of interest, an entity, or an event. The system then generates outputs which are suitable for use in a legal matter. The company says that use of its system has grown rapidly, and that the Cerberus investigative system is one of the leaders in this software sector.
Finally, DarkCyber provides information about a new report from IntSights, a cyber-intelligence firm. The report includes information which helps an individual to gain access to “cracker” forums and discussion groups which examine topics such as credit card fraud, money laundering, contraband, and similar subjects. The video provides the information required to download this report.
DarkCyber videos appears each week through the September 30, 2019. A new series of videos will begin on November 1, 2019. Programs are available on Vimeo.com and YouTube.com.
A new series of DarkCyber begin in November 2019.
Kenny Toth, July 23, 2019