Google May Lose the Gaming Wars

December 20, 2019

Gaming used to be a cottage industry, but things have changed to the tune of billions of dollars and the existence of professional gamer as an occupation. Gamers have evolved into sophisticated consumers (arguably) and they are particular about what they play. The industry is dominated by Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and Google wants a piece of the action. Slash Gear shares that, “Google Stadia’s Rocky Roll-Out Continues With Free Fame Refunds.”

Gamers are not embracing Google Stadia and reports are streaming in about negative experiences. Two of the Stadia’s first releases was Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition and Farming Simulator 19 for purchase, but then they were released for free with the Stadia Pro membership. Gamers were unhappy with that development and Stadia has offered refunds. New developments in gaming are always rocky:

“Teething problems for any new service, never mind one as ambitious as Stadia, are to be expected. Still, Google’s track record with its cloud gaming platform doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. The company’s inability to keep its earliest-adopters happy is a testament to how not to successfully launch, and its handling of things like Stadia Pro titles also leaves much to be desired.”

Stadia is a great idea in theory, but execution is more complicated. Low latency gaming with HD graphics is not plausible with current technology, but as technology continues to improve it will be.

Reality and real people are different from demonstrations under controlled conditions. The real world includes humans, Microsoft Mixer, Amazon Twitch, and other non lab things.

Whitney Grace, December 20, 2019


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