Why Archived Information Can Be Useful

January 11, 2020

There’s nothing like a ubiquitous service like email and systems for keeping copies of information. Online is interesting and often surprising. This thought struck DarkCyber while reading the Time Magazine article “‘This Airplane Is Designed by Clowns.’ Internal Boeing Messages Describe Efforts to Dodge FAA Scrutiny of MAX.” Here’s the passage of interest:

“This airplane is designed by clowns, who in turn are supervised by monkeys,” said one company pilot in messages to a colleague in 2016, which Boeing disclosed publicly late Thursday.

Will the clowns and monkeys protest.

Another statement which comes directly from the Guide Book for Captain Obvious Rhetoric, which may have influenced this Time Magazine editorial insight:

The communications threaten to upend Boeing’s efforts to rebuild public trust in the 737 Max…

Ah, email and magazines. One good thing, however. No references to AI, NLP, or predictive analytics appear in the write up.

Stephen E Arnold, January 11, 2020


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