Google Cloud: Thinner and Wispier?

April 20, 2020

The Murdoch paywall notwithstanding, DarkCyber was able to read “Google May Let Some Air Out of Its Cloud.” (My dog Tibby subscribes to the dead tree edition. DarkCyber is running an on going experiment to find out if the dead tree and the online units of the WSJ coordinate. So far the answer is “No.” How long has the experiment been running? More than 10 years.

The write up reveals that the Google will spend less on data centers. Why?

Fallout from coronavirus

The real news article points out that if Google slows down its spending, the impact on outfits lower down the food chain will be negative.

Okay, but let’s consider another angle.

Advertising is slowing down. The costs for indexing for the Google search engine are going up. Google has been struggling with cost control even with the hard eyed CFO the company has counting beans.

What’s this mean?

Google will automate more, index less, and hunt for money by providing “We’ll do the ad allocation for you” type services. Imitating Zoom’s interface signals that me-too is more important than applying the Google magic wand to products and services.

Net net: The company’s showing that it has feet of clay-based silicon. After 20 years, these feet should be resistant to perturbations in the humanoid aspect of the firm’s business.

Stephen E Arnold, April 20, 2020


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