TechRepublic: Unintentionally Amusing Non Playing Videos about Videos

May 10, 2020

DarkCyber noted “How to Hold Video Meetings Like a Pro.” We clicked the link to learn what this interesting publication offered for those struggling with the video work from home activity. Here’s what we saw, and we left the page rendering for 10 minutes:


Yep, a video that would not play. But take heart, gentle reader. The write-up includes a link to an audio version of the podcast about video meetings. That worked even though the guest’s audio was subdued. And, if the rich media from the article leaves you with some disappointment thoughts, just read the article itself. It contains some amazing observations; for example:

  • There’s a part of the brain that knows when you’re alone in the cave, when you’re a cave person in the dark that there’s someone in the room with you.
  • Now, I didn’t pay retail for it. I bought it on Craigslist.
  • I believe very strongly in nesting. This isn’t performative. [Interesting word]
  • It’s also worth pointing out that I’m looking at a mirror image of myself as you are as well. That’s because people hate looking at themselves as they are seen.

For more insights and maybe the video if you are lucky, this interview is the cat’s pajamas with Lego toys in the background.

Video interviews probably should include video which actually renders. The spinning green thing is interesting for a short time, then it’s boring… just like… video like a pro? Amusing.

Stephen E Arnold, May 10, 2020


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