Xooglers on the Move: Schmidt As a Thought Leader

May 13, 2020

We spotted this transcript of Eric Schmidt’s interview on Face the Nation. You can read the text in “Transcript: Eric Schmidt on “Face the Nation.” (May 10, 2020)

DarkCyber noted some interesting observations. The Schmidt statement is quoted and the DarkCyber team comment is in italics. Of course, you need to navigate to the CBS Web site, bask in the social media links, and pay close attention to the ads for other CBS “real news” offerings.


We’re gonna have to reimagine how the workplace works. Observation: DarkCyber believes that only the top one percent of people will have jobs. Others will become gig workers. Why? Cost reduction and the inability of some firms to manage their employees. Who wants more Damores?


… Let’s figure out a way for people who don’t otherwise have access to computers through libraries or whatever, find a way for them to get access. Observation: Libraries! Yes. But has Google’s and other tech giants actions been a boon to libraries?


The public sector has lagged for whatever set of reasons. Observation: Most government agencies outsource software and support and have for decades. Why haven’t tech companies delivered better, faster, cheaper, easier to use solutions. The DarkCyber thinks that the tech companies exacerbate the problem in order to pull in government money.

Be sure the read the full transcript. It makes one message clear: Mr. Schmidt wants to be a thought leader first, a Xoogler second. And Google Go is the programming language of the future too. Perhaps Peter Thiel will be next week’s guest on Face the Nation?

Stephen E Arnold, May 13, 2020


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