Google and Its Hard-to-Believe Excuse of the Week

May 27, 2020

I taught for one or two years when I was in graduate school. Did I ever hear a student say, “My dog ate my homework”? I sure did. I heard other excuses as well; for example, “I was shot on Thanksgiving Day (a true statement. The student showed me the bullet wound in his arm.) I also heard, “I had to watch my baby sister, and she was sick so I couldn’t get the homework.” True. As it turned out, the kid was an only child.

But I never heard, “The algorithm did it.”

Believe it or not, Engadget reported this: “YouTube Blames Bug for Censoring Comments on China’s Ruling Party.” I think Engadget should have written “about China’s” but these real journalists use Grammarly, like, you know.

The article states:

Whatever way the error made its way into YouTube, Google has been slow to address it.

For DarkCyber, the important point is that software, not a work from home or soon to be RIFed human made the error.

The Google plays the “algorithm did it.”

Despite Google’s wealth of smart software, the company’s voice technology has said nothing about the glitch.

Stephen E Arnold, May 27, 2020


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