Technology TapsBrakes on Learning? Well, Well, Well

June 8, 2020

DarkCyber is often amused when friends and acquaintances explain that tablets, personal computers, and mobile phones make their children more intelligent. Living in a cloud of unknowing is a delightful mental condition. One can only imagine the disdain with which the information in “Harder to Learn about Science with Modern Technology – Astronomer Royal” will be greeted.

The person dubbed the Big Dog of Astronomy in the UK has some definite ideas; to wit:

“I think paradoxically our high-tech environments may actually be an impediment to sustaining useful enthusiasm in science,” Lord Rees said….

The gadgets that now pervade our lives, smartphones and such like, are baffling black boxes and pure magic to most people. “If you take them apart you find few clues to intricate miniaturize mechanisms and you certainly can’t put them together again. “So, the extreme sophistication of modern technology, wonderful though those benefits are, is ironically an impediment to engaging young people in the basics, with learning how things work.”

I think the summary is that dumbing down goes up as high-technology squeezes learning into an easily controlled digital experience.

This is a positive for some companies. Are you able to identify two or three?

Stephen E Arnold, June 8, 2020


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