What Type of Content Is Plentiful? Ever Been to a Cow Barn?

June 9, 2020

DarkCyber enjoyed “Most Tech Content Is Bullshit.” The write up explains:

I saw developers taking other people’s solutions for granted. Not thinking twice about the approach, not bothering about analyzing it.

When asked about the behavior, the article highlights four common behaviors:

  • It was in some article.
  • I copy-pasted it from X.
  • I was doing it in my previous project.
  • Someone told me so.

Unfortunately, these four points cover the bases for odd, wrong, and off base information.

The logical error is “appeal to authority.” Information issued from someone perceived as authoritative may be accepted readily. Today some people believe just about anything available online.

Why is this human failing taking place? The write up provides four reasons:

  • We are lazy.
  • We don’t have time.
  • It’s comfortable.
  • We don’t believe in ourselves.

The problem is unlikely to be resolved. There are some minor concerns: Money, the pandemic, civil disturbances, and international tensions. Plus, I want to make clear that search engine optimization and a desire to be perceived as an expert are darned significant factors.

Net net: There’s little likelihood of rapid change. Social distance, wait for a bailout check, and be confident in your children’s future. No big deal. And that online fix for sluggish DNS look ups. Not to worry.

Stephen E Arnold, June 9, 2020


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