Intel: Why the Horse Collar Outfit Stumble Is Wobbling

September 4, 2020

A story in Techradar helps illuminate the magnitude of the Intel wobble. Right, Intel. The outfit which has watched a smaller firm zip along in the desktop CPU market and repeatedly miss chip deadlines. Even Apple has reduced its dependence on the iconic company which uses buzzwords instead of silicon and more with it materials to make its point. “Here’s How Huawei and Other Chinese Firms Could Access Crucial CPU Technology without Restrictions” contains an interesting paragraph which may be made up but may not be:

The number of Chinese chip designers skyrocketed from 736 in 2015 to 1,780 in 2017. Many of these companies need CPU IP and some may not be inclined to use Arm. For them, MIPS and RISC-V architectures are two natural choices and MIPS has an edge over RISC-V right now. MIPS does have off-the-shelf high-performance CPU cores comparable to Arm’s Cortex-A70-series or Neoverse, but it is possible to use the MIPS architecture to build something powerful enough for servers. For example, China’s Loongson Technology develops MIPS64 CPUs for client devices and servers and there are also Green500 supercomputers based on MIPS CPUs.

Intel seems to be managing in a way that inadvertently makes its competitive posture scleotic.

Stephen E Arnold, September 4, 2020


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