Another Crazy Enterprise Search Report

October 18, 2020

“Enterprise Search Market Investment Analysis | Dassault Systemes, Oracle, HP Autonomy, Expert System Inc.” may be a knock out report, but its presentation of the company’s nuanced understanding is like hitting an egg with a feather. The effort appears to be there, but the result is an intact egg.

You can learn about this omelet of a report at this link. The publisher is PRnewsleader, which seems to be one of the off brand SEO centric content outputters.

The first thing I noticed about this report was the list of vendors in the document; to wit:

Coveo Corp.

Dassault Systèmes

Esker Software

Expert System

HP Autonomy

IBM Corp.





Perceptive Software

Polyspot and Sinequa


What jumped out at me was the inclusion of Polyspot and Sinequa. Polyspot was acquired years ago by an outfit called oppScience. The company offers Bee4Sense and list information retrieval as a solution. As far as I know, oppScience is a company based in Paris, not on a street once known for fish sales. Sinequa is a separate company. True, it once positioned itself as an enterprise search developer. That core capability has been wrapped in buzzwordery; for example, “insight platform.” Therefore, listing two companies incorrectly as one illustrates a minor slip up.

I also noticed the inclusion of Esker Software. This company is a process automation outfit, and it says that it has an artificial intelligence capability. (Doesn’t every company today?) Esker is into the cloud, and its search technology is a bullet point, not the white paper/journal article/rah rah approach used by Lucidworks.

And what about Elasticsearch? What about Algolia (former Dassault Exalead DNA I heard)? What about Voyager Search? What about Maxxcat? And there are other vendors.

What’s amusing is that the authors of this report are able to set forth:

forecasts for Enterprise Search investments till 2029.

Okay, that’s almost a decade in the Era of the Rona. I am not sure what’s going on tomorrow. Predicting search in 2029 is Snow Crash territory. But I am confident the authors of this report are intrepid researchers who just happened to overlook the Polyspot Sinequa mistake. What else has been overlooked?

Stephen E Arnold, October 18, 2020


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