Microsoft: Maybe Quantum Computing Can Help Out Defender?

February 1, 2021

The February 9, DarkCyber video news program contains a short item about Microsoft’s January 20, 2021, explanation of the SolarWinds’ misstep. Spoiler: Hey, Microsoft was not responsible. If you are interested in the MSFT explanation with some remarkable self promotion for its security prowess, navigate to this link. But to the matter at hand. Microsoft security will no doubt benefit from its latest technical innovation. “Microsoft Claims Breakthrough in Quantum Computing” reports:

This [MSFT and University of Sydney] team has developed a cryogenic quantum control platform that uses specialized CMOS circuits to take digital inputs and generate many parallel qubit control signals. The chip that powers this control platform is called Gooseberry.

Does this beg the inclusion of the Intel Horse Feathers — no, strike that — Intel Horse Ridge technology?

The write up continues:

There’s no doubt that both Gooseberry and the cryo-compute core represent big steps forward for quantum computing, and having these concepts peer-reviewed and validated by other scientists is another leap ahead.

I hope the technology innovators surge ahead to apply the “breakthrough” to the Redmond giant’s security for Azure and Windows 10, which of course were not the SolarWinds’ problem. The gilded lily language “supply chain” was maybe, a little, sort of tangentially involved.

Supply chain? Gooseberries and horse feathers perhaps?

Stephen E Arnold, February


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