Symbolic AI Inbenta Is Numero Uno
March 23, 2021
I know that you are intimately familiar with Inbenta Technologies. No fair asking, “What?” I read “Inbenta Announced As The Number One Service Provider In Latest ECommerce Conversational AI Benchmark Study.”
Inbenta, as you definitely know and think about each waking moment, is a global leader in symbolic AI based customer interaction applications.
A study focused on “resolution rates.” I think this means that a customer interacts with a smart Web site or a smart answering system, that customer finds out what’s needed. I assume that a customer who hangs up or clicks away in frustration, anger, and a sense of being dismissed is happy.
Well, guess what? Inbenta’s system ripped the Marika Eclipse Tummy Control yoga gear off IBM, Google, and Microsoft. These were underperformers. IBM Watson, Google, and Microsoft “underperformers”?
Who knew?
Inbenta, according to the PR write up:
Inbenta also scored the highest rate across all topic categories (order taking, shipping and payments) and having the best capabilities to detect and translate interactions to modeled intent.
Interesting. Inbenta may position itself to be purchased by one of these underperformers. With a study like this in hand, a bidding war could ensue.
The Inbenta loser would be “bent outa” shape too.
Stephen E Arnold, March 23, 2021