Choices: A Good Thing, Right?

May 18, 2022

Senior citizens are befuddled by modern times and one of the things that leave them flummoxed is the number of choices they face. It is not just senior citizens, however, who are overwhelmed with the options. Readwrite explains that IT professionals are baffled when it comes to selecting business software, “Why Choosing Software Is Such a Tough Decision In The Modern Era.” Business software selection is time-consuming and challenging due to many reasons.

One is the proliferation of niche software. Developing niche solutions is a piece of cake compared to the past and there is a lot of competition for niche software. Before selecting software, IT professionals should consider if they need specialized or a comprehensive software solution. It is also wise to compare the different options, but oftentimes it is like comparing apples and oranges. The options are all fruit, but which one is the best fit? Factors like the price should not be the only determining factor, because things like user interface, enterprise compatibility, tech support, and are also decisive factors.

Another factor is bureaucracy. Did you ever hear the phrase, “Too many cooks in the kitchen?” That statement applies to choosing a business software. The more people who are responsible for the decision and add their opinions muddle the process. It is important to listen to end-users and managers, but everyone cannot be pleased. Remember that someone needs to decide to move forward.

Many business owners fail to realize digital security threats:

“Businesses need to consider the security risks involved with acquiring new software and the potential security vulnerabilities they need to address when acquiring it. This piece of the software buying puzzle is especially complicated and risky, and businesses can’t afford to gloss over it. Many businesses now have dedicated risk assessment teams whose sole job is to evaluate the potential security risks associated with software.”

It is also important to read the fine print in the software contract, especially if an organization is using a SaaS model or using proprietary software. The contract could include stipulations that are more harmful than beneficial.

To make a decision, start by drafting a needs assessment of what an organization needs, then narrow down the scope to the core necessitates. The needs assessment is not set in stone, though, so if new ideas or software options emerge keep the plan flexible. Always compare similar software, especially prices and features. Lastly, be sure to find the software you can trust and make work for your organization. Remember if the solution does not work, it could mean termination.

Whitney Grace, May 18, 2022


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