The Zuck Thing: We Capture Data. You Are Not Permitted to Capture Facebook Data

July 12, 2022

Does anyone remember Eric Schmidt, the alleged Google adult. That senior manager was outraged about open source information about him. You can refresh your memory by scanning this CNet article. Now the Zuckster is annoyed with third parties downloading data available to anyone from Facebook aka Zuckbook. The idea! Take. Info. From. Facebook. “Meta Sues a Site Cloner Who Allegedly Scraped over 350,000 Instagram Profiles” reports:

On Tuesday [July 5, 2022], the company filed separate federal lawsuits against a company called Octopus and an individual named Ekrem Ate?. According to Meta, the former is the US subsidiary of a Chinese multinational tech firm that offers data scraping-for-hire services to individuals and companies.

I find the big company reaction amusing. It is not as hilarious as the Ernsy & Young professionals who allegedly took short cuts to pass an ethics test. Nor is it up to the level of MBAism demonstrated by some McKinsey professionals in their fancy dancing about the “opioid” engagements. But it is pretty funny to me.

It might be a tough call if I were asked to identify the most surveillance oriented big tech company. I have some possible outfits in mind; for example, possible Amazon, Apple, Zuckbook, Google, Microsoft and a few others.

I wonder if Eric Schmidt will give the Zuck some tips on dealing with the outrageous behavior of third parties who gather and recycle data on a public Web site. Imagine, using software to obtain digital information.

The one percent don’t cotton to the “other percent” behaving in a manner offensive to the masters of the datasphere in my opinion.

Stephen E Arnold, July 12, 2022


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