Sisyphus, The EU Has a Job For You

December 14, 2022

I read an article which may be mostly accurate. Its title is “Google Must Delete Search Results about You If They’re Fake, EU Court Rules.” The write up reports:

People in Europe can get Google to delete search results about them if they prove the information is “manifestly inaccurate,” the EU’s top court ruled Thursday [December 8, 2022].

Okay, prove that information is “manifestly inaccurate.”

The article continues:

People who want to scrub inaccurate results from search engines have to provide sufficient proof that what is said about them is false. But it doesn’t have to come from a court case against a publisher, for instance. They have “to provide only evidence that can reasonably be required of [them] to try to find,” the court said.

When legal eagles get into a discussion of what is accurate and what is not accurate, the logic will be fascinating. Then once accuracy has been addressed, the sage birds will deal with the definition of manifestly. You know: What is is?

Justice and billing will be served with word salad.

Stephen E Arnold, December 10. 2022


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