Cyber Security: A Modest Reminder about Reality

April 11, 2023

Vea4_thumb_thumbNote: This essay is the work of a real and still-alive dinobaby. No smart software involved, just a dumb humanoid.

If I participated in every webinar to which I am invited, I would have no time for eating, sleeping, and showing up at the gym to pretend I am working out like a scholarship chasing football player. I like the food and snooze stuff. The gym? Yeah, it is better than a visit to my “real” doctor. (Mine has comic book art on the walls of the office. No diplomas. Did I tell you I live in rural Kentucky, where comic books are considered literature.)

I read what to me was a grim article titled “Classified US Documents on Ukraine War Leaked: Report.” The publisher was Al Jazeera, and I suppose the editor could have slapped a more tantalizing title and subtitle on the article. (The information, according to Al Jazeera first appeared in the New York Times. Okay, I won’t comment on this factoid.)

Here’s the paragraph which caught my attention:

There was no explanation as to how the plans were obtained.

Two points come to my mind:

  1. Smart software and analytic tools appear to be unable to pinpoint the who, when, and where the documents originated. Some vendors make assertions that their real time systems can deliver this type of information. Maybe? But maybe not?
  2. The Fancy Dan cyber tools whether infused with Bayesian goodness or just recycled machine learning are not helping out with the questions about who, what, and where either.

If the information emerges in the near future, I will be pleased. My hunch is that cyber is a magic word for marketers and individuals looking for a high-pay, red-hot career.

The reality is that either disinformation or insiders make these cyber marketing assertions ring like a bell made of depleted uranium.

Stephen E Arnold, April 11, 2023


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