Tech Leaders May Be Over Dramatizing AI Risks For Profit and Lock In

November 8, 2023

green-dino_thumb_thumbThis essay is the work of a dumb humanoid. No smart software required.

Advancing technology is good, because new innovations can help humanity. As much as technology can help humanity, it can also hinder the species.  That’s why it’s important for rules to be established to regulate new technology, such as AI algorithms.  Rules shouldn’t be so stringent as to prevent further innovation, however.  You’d think that Big Tech companies would downplay the risks of AI so they could experiment without constraints. It’s actually the opposite says Google Brain cofounder Andrew Ng.

He spoke out against the corporate overlords via Yahoo Finance: “Google Brain Cofounder Says Big Tech Companies Are Inflating Fears About The Risks Of AI Wiping Out Humanity Because They Want To Dominate The Market.”  Ng claims that Big Tech companies don’t want competition from open source AI.  He said that Big Tech companies are inflating the dangers of AI driving humans to extinction so governments will enforce hefty regulations. These regulations would force open AI and smaller tech businesses to tread water until they went under. 

Big Tech companies want to make and sell their products in a free for all environment so they can earn as much money as possible.  If they have less competition, then they don’t need to worry about their margins or losing control of their markets.  Open source AI offers the biggest competition to Big Tech so they want it gone.

In May 2023, AI experts and CEOs signed a statement from the Center for AI Safety that compared the risks of AI to nuclear war and a pandemic.

“Governments around the world are looking to regulate AI, citing concerns over safety, potential job losses, and even the risk of human extinction. The European Union will likely be the first region to enforce oversight or regulation around generative AI. Ng said the idea that AI could wipe out humanity could lead to policy proposals that require licensing of AI, which risked crushing innovation. Any necessary AI regulation should be created thoughtfully, he added.”

Are Big Tech heads adding to the already saturated culture of fear that runs rampant in the United States?  It’s already fueled by the Internet and social media which is like a computer science major buzzing from seven Red Bulls.  Maybe AI fears will be the next biggest thing we’ll need to worry about.  Should we start taking bets?

Whitney Grace, November 8, 2023


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