Generative AI Means Big Money…Maybe

May 6, 2024

Whenever new technology appears on the horizon, there are always optimistic, venture capitalists that jump on the idea that it will be a gold mine. While this is occasionally true, other times it’s a bust. Anything can sound feasible on paper, but reality often proves that brilliant ideas don’t work. Medium published Ashish Karan’s article, “Generative AI: A New Gold Rush For Software Engineering.”

Kakran opens his article asserting the brilliant simplicity of Einstein’s E=mc² formula to inspire readers. He alludes that generative AI will revolutionize industries like Einstein’s formula changed physics. He also says that white collar jobs stand to be automated for the first time in history. White collar jobs have been automated or made obsolete for centuries.

Kakran then runs numbers complete with charts and explanations about how generative AI is going to change the world. His diagrams and explanations probably mean something but it reads like white paper gibberish. This part makes sense:

“If you rewind to the year 2008, you will suddenly hear a lot of skepticism about the cloud. Would it ever make sense to move your apps and data from private or colo [cated] data centers to cloud thereby losing fine-grained control. But the development of multi-cloud and devops technologies made it possible for enterprises to not only feel comfortable but accelerate their move to the cloud. Generative AI today might be comparable to cloud in 2008. It means a lot of innovative large companies are still to be founded. For founders, this is an enormous opportunity to create impactful products as the entire stack is currently getting built.”

The author is correct that are business opportunities to leverage generative AI. Is it a California gold rush? Nobody knows. If you have the funding, expertise, and a good idea then follow it. If not, maybe focusing on a more attainable career is better.

Whitey Grace, May 6, 2024


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