Azure Insights: A Useful and Amusing Resource
March 4, 2025
This blog post is the work of a real live dinobaby. At age 80, I will be heading to the big natural history museum in the sky. Until then, creative people surprise and delight me.
I read some of the posts in a service named “Daily Azure Sh$t.” You can find the content on at this link. Reading through the litany of issues, glitches, and goofs had me in stitches. If you work with Microsoft Azure, you might not be reading the Mastodon stomps with a chortle. You might be a little worried.
The post states:
This account is obviously not affiliated with Microsoft.
My hunch is that like other Microsoft-skeptical blogs, some of the Softies’ legal eagles will take flight. Upon determining the individual responsible for the humorous summary of technical antics, the individual may find that knocking off the service is one of the better ideas a professional might have. But until then, check out the newsy items.
As interesting are the comments on Hacker News. You will find these at this link.
For your delectation and elucidation, here are some of the comments from Hacker News:
- Osigurdson said: “Businesses are theoretically all about money but end up being driven by pride half the time.”
- Amarant said: “Azure was just utterly unable to deliver on anything they promised, thus the write-off on my part.”
- Abrookewood said: “Years ago, we migrated of Rackspace to Azure, but the database latency was diabolical. In the end, we got better performance by pointing the Azure web servers to the old database that was still in Rackspace than we did trying to use the database that was supposedly in the same data center.”
You may have a sense of humor different from mine. Enjoy either the laughing or the weeping.
Stephen E Arnold, March 9, 2025
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