A Trend? Silicon Valley Type Media Squabbles

April 13, 2023

Vea4_thumb_thumbNote: This essay is the work of a real and still-alive dinobaby. No smart software involved, just a dumb humanoid.
In rural Kentucky the Silicon Valley type media don’t capture the attention of too many in Harrod’s Creek. I noted several stories from what I call the Sillycon Valley “real” news outfits which may suggest a trend. And what is the OMG slay?
Let’s let three examples shape what’s shakin’ in “real” news:
ONE: The write up “Mehdi Hasan Dismantles The Entire Foundation Of The Twitter Files As Matt Taibbi Stumbles To Defend It” makes clear that author Matt Taibbi is not up to the “real” news standards of an online publication called “TechDirt.” The charges are interesting; for instance, “Taibbi shrugs, sighs, and makes it clear he’s totally out of his depth when confronted with facts.” That’s clear: Facts are important.

TWO: A publication with a logo I find minty but at odds with the silly idea of legible typography published “Substack CEO Pushes Back at Elon Musk, Says Twitter Situation Is Very Frustrating.” The article explains that a financially challenged Silicon Valley reinterpretation of old-fashioned magazine publishing called Substack is struggling with the vibe checked outfit Twitter. The article provides examples of some back and forth or what my deceased grandmother called “tit for tat” talk.

THREE: The world-changing owner of Twitter (an old school TikTok) labeled the very sensitive National Public Radio as state sponsored radio. Apart from the fact that NPR runs ads, I suppose the label would annoy some people. However, the old school Fortune Magazine reported that the “real” news outfit Twitter had changed the facts. “Elon Musk Changes NPR’s Twitter Label to Government Funded Media after US State Affiliated Media Draws Heavy Criticism.” said, “Musk is known for being impulsive, and on Friday he tweeted, “I am dumb way more often than I’d like to be.”

Is the trend navel gazing at drip outfits. If one takes each of the publications as outfits which want to capture the spirit of Silicon Valley (oh, please, exclude Fortune Magazine from the Silicon Valley set. The Time Inc. legacy and New York attitude make its stories different, well, sort of.)

I find the uptick in criticism about the ripples in the “real” news pond originating from Sillycon Valley interesting. I am watching for the scrutiny to vibrate in social media. Who knows? Maybe “real” TV will pick up the story? One can hope. Ad hominem, spiteful remarks, and political characterizations — yes, “real” news Sillycon Valley style.

Stephen E Arnold, April 13, 2023

The Chivalric Ideal: Social Media Companies as Jousters or Is It Jesters?

April 12, 2023

Vea4_thumb_thumbNote: This essay is the work of a real and still-alive dinobaby. No smart software involved, just a dumb humanoid.

As a dinobaby, my grade school education included some biased, incorrect, yet colorful information about the chivalric idea. The basic idea was that knights were governed by the chivalric social codes. And what are these, pray tell, squire? As I recall Miss Soapes, my seventh grade teacher, the guts included honor, honesty, valor, and loyalty. Scraping away the glittering generalities from the disease-riddled, classist, and violent Middle Ages – the knights followed the precepts of the much-beloved Church, opened doors for ladies, and embodied the characters of Sir Gawain, Lancelot, King Arthur, and a heaping dose of Hector of Troy, Alexander the Great (who by the way figured out pretty quickly that what is today Afghanistan would be tough to conquer), and baloney gathered by Ramon Llull were the way to succeed.

Flash forward to 2023, and it appears that the chivalric ideals are back in vogue. “Google, Meta, Other Social Media Platforms Propose Alliance to Combat Misinformation” explains that social media companies have written a five page “proposal.” The recipient is the Indian Ministry of Electronics and IT. (India is a juicy market for social media outfits not owned by Chinese interests… in theory.)

The article explains that a proposed alliance of outfits like Meta and Google:

will act as a “certification body” that will verify who a “trusted” fact-checker is.

Obviously these social media companies will embrace the chivalric ideals to slay the evils of weaponized, inaccurate, false, and impure information. These companies mount their bejeweled hobby horses and gallop across the digital landscape. The actions evidence honor, loyalty, justice, generosity, prowess, and good manners. Thrilling. Cinematic in scope.

The article says:

Social media platforms already rely on a number of fact checkers. For instance, Meta works with fact-checkers certified by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), which was established in 2015 at the US-based Poynter Institute. Members of IFCN review and rate the accuracy of stories through original reporting, which may include interviewing primary sources, consulting public data and conducting analyses of media, including photos and video. Even though a number of Indian outlets are part of the IFCN network, the government, it is learnt, does not want a network based elsewhere in the world to act on content emanating in the country. It instead wants to build a homegrown network of fact-checkers.

Will these white knights defeat the blackguards who would distort information? But what if the companies slaying the inaccurate factoids are implementing a hidden agenda? What if the companies are themselves manipulating information to gain an unfair advantage over any entity not part of the alliance?

Impossible. These are outfits which uphold the chivalric ideals. Truth, honor, etc., etc.

The historical reality is that chivalry was cooked up by nervous “rulers” in order to control the knights. Remember the phrase “knight errant”?

My hunch is that the alliance may manifest some of the less desirable characteristics of the knights of old; namely, weapons, big horses, and a desire to do what was necessary to win.

Knights, mount your steeds. To battle in a far off land redolent with exotic spices and revenue opportunities. Toot toot.

Stephen E Arnold, April 2023

AI Is Not the Only System That Hallucinates

April 7, 2023

Vea4_thumb_thumbNote: This essay is the work of a real and still-alive dinobaby. No smart software involved, just a dumb humanoid.

I personally love it when software goes off the deep end. From the early days of “Fatal Error” to the more interesting outputs of a black box AI system, the digital comedy road show delights me.

I read “The Call to Halt ‘Dangerous’ AI Research Ignores a Simple Truth” reminds me that it is not just software which is subject to synapse wonkiness. Consider this statement from the Wired Magazine story:

… there is no magic button that anyone can press that would halt “dangerous” AI research while allowing only the “safe” kind.

Yep, no magic button. No kidding. We have decades of experience with US big technology companies’ behavior to make clear exactly the trajectory of new methods.

I love this statement from Wired Magazine no less:

Instead of halting research, we need to improve transparency and accountability while developing guidelines around the deployment of AI systems. Policy, research, and user-led initiatives along these lines have existed for decades in different sectors, and we already have concrete proposals to work with to address the present risks of AI.

Wired was one of the cheerleaders when it fired up its unreadable pink text with orange headlines in 1993 as I recall. The cheerleading was loud and repetitive.

I would suggest that “simple truth” is in short supply. In my experience, big technology savvy companies will do whatever they can do to corner a market and generate as much money as possible. Lock in, monopolistic behavior, collusion, and other useful tools are available.

Nice try Wired. Transparency is good to consider, but big outfits are not in the let the sun shine in game.

Stephen E Arnold, April 7, 2023

Ready, Fire, Aim: Google and File Limits

April 4, 2023

Google is quite accomplished when the firm is required to ingest money from its customers. These are individuals and organizations “important” to the company which operates in self-described quantum supremacy mode. In a few other corporate functions, the company is less polished.

One example is described in “Google Drive Does a Surprise Rollout of File Limits, Locking Out Some Users.” The subtitle of the article is:

The new file limit means you can’t actually use the storage you buy from Google.

If the information in the write up is correct, it appears that Google is collecting money and not delivering the service marketed to some of its customers. A corollary is that I pay a yearly fee for a storage unit. When I arrive to park my bicycle for the winter, my unit is locked, and there is no staff to let me open the unit or way to access what’s in the storage unit. I am not sure I would be happy.

The article points out:

The 5 million total file cap isn’t documented anywhere, and remember, it has been two months since this rolled out. It’s not listed on the Google One or Google Workspace plan pages, and we haven’t seen any support documents about it. Google also doesn’t have any tools to see if you’re getting close to this file limit—there’s no count of files anywhere.

If this statement is accurate, then Google is selling and collecting money for one thing and delivering another to some customers. In my view, I think Google has hit upon a brilliant solution to a problem of coping with the increasing burden of its ill-advised promotion of “free” and “low cost” storage cooked up by long-gone Googlers. Yep, those teenagers making cookies without mom supervising do create a mess.

The article includes a superb example of Google speak, a form of language known to please legal professionals adjudicating different issues in which Google finds itself tangled; to wit:

A Google spokesperson confirmed to Ars that the file limit isn’t a bug, calling the 5 million file cap “a safeguard to prevent misuse of our system in a way that might impact the stability and safety of the system.” The company clarified that the limit applies to “how many items one user can create in any Drive,” not a total cap for all files in a drive. For individual users, that’s not a distinction that matters, but it could matter if you share storage with several accounts. Google added, “This limit does not impact the vast majority of our users’ ability to use their Google storage.” and “In practice, the number of impacted users here is vanishingly small.”)

From my vantage point in rural Kentucky, I think the opaque and chaotic approach to file limits is a useful example of what I call “high school science club management methods.” Those folks, as I recall as a high school science club member myself, just know better, don’t check with anyone in administration, and offer non-explanations.

In fact, the “vanishingly small” number of users affected by this teeny bopper professionalism is vanishingly small. Isn’t that the direction in which Google’s image, brand, and trust factor is heading? Toward the vanishingly small? Let’s ask ChatGPT, shall we: “Why does Google engage in Ready, fire, aim antics?”

Stephen E Arnold, April 4, 2023

The Scramblers of Mountain View: The Google AI Team

April 3, 2023

Vea4_thumb_thumbNote: This essay is the work of a real and still-alive dinobaby. No smart software involved, just a dumb humanoid.

I don’t know about you, but if I were a Googler (which I am not), I would pay attention to Google wizard and former Alta Vista wizard Jeff Dean. This individual was, I have heard, was involved in the dust up about Timnit Gebru’s stochastic parrot paper. (I love that metaphor. A parrot.) Dr. Dean has allegedly invested in the smart search outfit Perplexity. I found this interesting because it sends a faint signal from the bowels of Googzilla. Bet hedging? Admission that Google’s AI is lacking? A need for Dr. Dean to prepare to find his future elsewhere?

Why am I mentioning a Googler betting cash on one of the many Silicon Valley type outfits chasing the ChatGPT pot of gold? I read “Google Bard Is Switching to a More Capable Language Model, CEO Confirms.” The write up explains:

Bard will soon be moving from its current LaMDA-based model to larger-scale PaLM datasets in the coming days… When asked how he felt about responses to Bard’s release, Pichai commented: “We clearly have more capable models. Pretty soon, maybe as this goes live, we will be upgrading Bard to some of our more capable PaLM models, so which will bring more capabilities, be it in reasoning, coding.”

That’s a hoot. I want to add the statement “Pichai claims not to be worried about how fast Google’s AI develops compared to its competitors.” That a great line for the Sundar and Prabhakar Comedy Show. Isn’t Google in Code Red mode. Why? Not to worry. Isn’t Google losing the PR and marketing battle to the Devils from Redmond? Why? Not to worry. Hasn’t Google summoned Messrs. Brin and Page to the den of Googzilla to help out with AI? Why. Not to worry.

Then a Google invests in Perplexity. Right. Soon. Moving. More capable.

Net net: Dr. Dean’s investment may be more significant than the Code Red silliness.

Stephen E Arnold, April 3, 2023

TikTok: An App for Mind Control?

March 29, 2023

I read “TikTok Is Part of China’s Cognitive Warfare Campaign.” The write up is an opinion. Before I suggest that the write is missing the big picture, let me highlight what I think sums up the argument:

While a TikTok ban may take out the first and fattest mole, it fails to contend with the wider shift to cognitive warfare as the sixth domain of military operations under way, which includes China’s influence campaigns on TikTok, a mass collection of personal and biometric data from American citizens and their race to develop weapons that could one day directly assault or disable human minds.

The problem for me is that I think the “mind control” angle is just one weapon in a specific application environment. The Middle Kingdom is working like Type A citizen farmers in these strike zones:

  1. Financial. The objective is to get on the renminbi bus and off the donkey cart dollar.
  2. Physical. The efficacy of certain pathogens is familiar to anyone who had an opportunity to wear a mask and stay home for a year or two.
  3. Political. The “deal” between two outstanding nation states in the Middle East is a signal I noted.
  4. Technological. The Huawei superwatch, the steady progress in microprocessor engineering, and those phone-home electric vehicles are significant developments.
  5. Social. Western democracies may not be embracing China-style methods, but some countries like India are definitely feeling the vibe for total control of the Internet.

The Guardian — may the digital overlords smile on the “real” news organization’s JavaScript which reminds how many Guardian articles I read since the “bug” was placed on my computer — gets part of the story correct. Hopefully the editors will cover the other aspects of the Chinese initiative.

TikTok, not the main event. Plus, it does connect to WiFi, Congressperson.

Stephen E Arnold, March 29, 2023

Are Libraries Next in the Target Zone?

March 28, 2023

I don’t have much to add to “Internet Archive Violated Publisher Copyrights by Lending eBooks, Court Rules.” The write up points out:

A federal judge has ruled against the Internet Archive in its high-profile case against a group of four US publishers led by Hachette Book Group…. The lawsuit originated from the Internet Archive’s decision to launch the “National Emergency Library” during the early days of the pandemic. The program saw the organization offer more than 1.4 million free ebooks, including copyrighted works, in response to libraries worldwide closing their doors due to coronavirus lockdown measures.

My question? Are libraries another evil scourge which must be subjugated to publishers?

Heck, yes. Libraries? Who needs them?

Special libraries? Who needs them?

Medical libraries? Who need them?

Bookmobiles? Who needs them?

The answer is, “No one.” My hunch is that when a bad decision is made because reference materials were not available, a few may say, “I think libraries and accurate information could be helpful.”

How stupid. Use smart software whose content and thresholds are set by engineers and computer scientists.

Books are for losers. By the way, hopefully my new monograph “The Shadow Web” will be finished before the Fall. Which “fall”? That’s a good question. If you want to be informed, pay up now!

Lending books? During a pandemic? Never!

Stephen E Arnold, March 28, 2023

Microsoft: You Cannot Learn from Our Outputs

March 28, 2023

Vea[4]Note: This essay is the work of a real and still-alive dinobaby. No smart software involved, just a dumb humanoid.

I read “Microsoft Reportedly Doesn’t Want Other AI Chatbots to Use Its Bing Search Data.” I don’t know much about smart software or smart anything for that matter. The main point of the article is that Microsoft Bing’s outputs must not be used to training other smart software. For me, that’s like a teacher saying to me in the fifth grade, “Don’t copy from the people in class who get D’s and F’s.” Don’t worry. I knew from whom to copy, right, Linda Mae?

The article reports:

Microsoft has told them [two unnamed smart software outfits] if they use its Bing API to power their own chatbots, they may cancel their contracts and pull their Bing search support.

Some search engines give user the impression that their services are doing primary Web crawling. Does this sound familiar DuckDuckGo and Neeva? As these search vendors scramble to come up with a solution to their hunger for actual cash money (Does this sound familiar, Kagi?), the vendors want to surf on Microsoft’s index. Why not? Microsoft prior to ChatGPT did not have what I would call a Google scale index. Sure, I could find information about that icon of family togetherness Alex Murdaugh, but less popular subjects were often a bit shallow.

I find it interesting that a company which sucks in content generated by humans like moi, the dinobaby, is used without asking, paying, or even thinking about me keyboarding in rural Kentucky. Now that same outstanding company wants to prevent others from using the Microsoft derivative system for a non-authorized use.

I love it when Silicon Valley think reaches logical conclusions of MBA think seasoned with paranoia.

Stephen E Arnold, March 28, 2023

The image is from https://gifer.com/en/Vea.

Smart Software: Reproducibility Is Not Part of the Game Plan, Thank You

March 24, 2023

Note: The essay below has been crafted by a real, still-alive dinobaby. No smart software required, thank you.

I love it when outfits suggest one thing and do another. I was tempted to write about some companies’ enthusiastic support for saving whales and their even more intense interest in blocking the ban on “forever chemicals.” But whales are one thing and smart software is another.

Specifically, the once open OpenAI is allegedly embracing the proprietary and trade secret approach to technology. “OpenAI’s Policies hinder Reproducible Research on Language Models” reports:

On Monday [March 20. 2023], OpenAI announced that it would discontinue support for Codex by Thursday. Hundreds of academic papers would no longer be reproducible: independent researchers would not be able to assess their validity and build on their results. And developers building applications using OpenAI’s models wouldn’t be able to ensure their applications continue working as expected.

The article elaborates on this main idea.

Several points:

  1. Reproducibility means that specific recipes have to be known and then tested. Who in Silicon Valley wants this “knowledge seeping” to take place when demand for the know how is — as some may say — doing the hockey stick chart thing.
  2. Good intentions are secondary to money, power, and control. The person or persons who set thresholds, design filters, orchestrate what content and when is fed into a smart system, and similar useful things want their fingers on the buttons. Outsiders in academe or another outfit eager to pirate expertise? Nope.
  3. Reproducibility creates opportunities for those not in the leadership outfit to find themselves criticized for bias, manipulation, and propagandizing. Who wants that other than a public relations firm?

Net net: One cannot reproduce much flowing from today’s esteemed research outfits. Should I mention the president of Stanford University as the poster person for intellectual pogo stick hopping? Oh, I just did.

Stephen E Arnold, March 24, 2023

Google and Its High School Management: An HR Example

March 22, 2023

I read “Google Won’t Honor Medical Leave During Its Layoffs, Outraging Employees.” Interesting explanation of some of Google’s management methods. These specific actions strike me as similar to those made by my high school science club in 1959. We were struggling with the issue of requiring a specific academic threshold for admission. As I recall, one had to have straight A’s in math and science or no Science Club for that person. (We did admit one student who published an article in the Journal of Astronomy with his brother as co-author. He had an incomplete in calculus because he was in Hawaii fooling around with a telescope and missed the final exam. We decided to let him in. Because, well, we were the Science Club for goodness sakes!)


Scribbled Diffusion’s rendition of a Google manager (looks a bit like a clown, doesn’t it?) telling an employee he is fired and that his medical insurance has been terminated.

The article reports:

While employees’ severance packages might come with a few more months of health insurance, being fired means instantly losing access to Google’s facilities. If that’s where a laid-off Googler’s primary care doctor works, that person is out of luck, and some employees told CNBC they lost access to their doctors the second the layoff email arrived. Employees on leave also have a lot to deal with. One former Googler, Kate Howells, said she was let go by Google from her hospital bed shortly after giving birth. She worked at the company for nine years.

The highlight of the write up, however, is the Comment Section. Herewith are several items I found noteworthy:

  • Gsgrego writes, “Employees, aka expendable garbage.”
  • Chanman819 offers, “I’ve mentioned it before in one of the other layoff threads, but companies shouldn’t burn bridges when doing layoffs… departing employees usually end up at competitors, regulators, customers, vendors, or partners in the same industry. Many times, they boomerang back a few years in the future. Making sure they have an axe to grind during negotiations or when on the other side of a working relationship is exceptionally ill-advised.
  • Ajmas says, “Termination by accounting.”
  • Asvarduil offers, “Twitter and Google are companies that I now consider radioactive to work for. Even if they don’t fail soon, they’re very clearly poorly-managed. If I had to work for someone else, they’re both companies I’d avoid.
  • MisterJim adds, “Two thoughts: 1. Stay classy Google! 2. Google has employees? Anyone who’s tried to contact them might assume otherwise.

High school science club lives on in the world of non-founder management.

Stephen E Arnold, March 22, 2023

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