Mindbreeze InSite is a Hit

September 18, 2012

Even at its inception, Mindbreeze InSite was garnering rave reviews for its creativity and effectiveness.  The From the Cloud blog features good news regarding Mindbreeze InSite acceptance in the industry in its entry, “futurezone.at: Mindbreeze InSite is a Direct Hit!

The author begins:

A few weeks ago Mindbreeze InSite became the latest sprog to join the family of Fabasoft Cloud services online. The young Cloud service had barely entered the world when it landed its first major success: Replacing Google Appliance as the integrated search on futurezone.at, the Austrian national newspaper Kurier’s technology news portal. According to Alexa ranking this website belongs to the top 5 websites in Austria (top 871 worldwide)!

Mindbreeze InSite is quick and easy to install.  Tens of thousands of pages of Web content can be indexed simply by embedding a few lines of script code.  Additionally, tens of thousands of searches can be performed by hour by users to the Web site, without any burden on the system.  In addition to the other successful enterprise services that Mindbreeze offers, InSite offers a wonderful compliment, equipping users to find quick satisfaction in their search of your public facing Web sites.

Emily Rae Aldridge, September 18, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite Boasts Information Pairing

September 13, 2012

Web site search can be a struggle from the user’s viewpoint.  Navigating a Web site, particularly a commercial one, can be arduous at best.  And yet organizations have had a hard time better designing a site to users’ needs.  However, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite offers a solution.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze offers a wide variety of smart solutions for the enterprise, but InSite is particularly geared toward smart public-facing Web site search.

Read an explanation of the information pairing technology behind the product’s success, written by Daniel Fallmann, in the entry, “Information Pairing Makes Websites More Intelligent!

Fallmann describes the InSite product’s success:

Behind this ‘magic,’ however is a great deal of digital know-how. The key term here is information pairing, under the motto ‘bringing together what belongs together.’ To put it in concrete terms, the current Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite release enables a maintenance-free, always up-to-date conflation of information from different areas. Always relevant. Always interesting. Always to the point. For both you and your website’s users.

Information pairing technology is secure and award winning.  Best of all, it improves your company’s Web presence without a huge investment in time or development hours.  For organizations that know the importance of grooming their online appearance, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite is an easy investment.

Emily Rae Aldridge, September 13, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.

Enhance a Public Facing Site with Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite

September 11, 2012

A public facing Web site is a digital business card and often the first way potential customers meet your company or organization. Messe München International (MMI) realized the opportunity in powerful site search and so employed the Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite solution. Patrick Kapfer discusses the MMI decision in the post, “Global Trade Show Organizer Opts for Mindbreeze InSite.”

Kapfer explains,

The product stands out with its intuitive, user friendly search. As a Cloud service it’s ready to use straight away! Further advantages lie in the fact that it’s more than just a search. Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite recognizes connections using semantic and dynamic search procedures. In this way it delivers a pinpoint accurate ‘finding experience.’ No installation, no configuration, no maintenance. What more could a company wish for?

Consider taking advantage of the no obligation 14 day free trial InSite demo and test the enhanced finding experience for your Web site. As the Messe München International (MMI) attests the fast search and clear results make Insite a viable search option for customers seeking functionality and ease of use. Other customer comments can be found online  if you are seeking additional testimonials about the capabilities of Mindbreeze. The search service “runs on high performance servers in the Cloud and can be up and running in a few days. There’s nothing to install – Mindbreeze InSite is available straight away via our self-service.”

Philip West, September 11, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.

SharePoint 2013 Looks to Improve the Web Content Management Experience

September 10, 2012

Niraj Tenany discusses Microsoft’s evolution in Web Content Management environments in the Netwovenblogs.com article, “Is SharePoint 2013 Ready for Prime Time Web Content Management (WCM)? You be the Judge!

Tenany explains the development:

Microsoft acquired a company called nCompass back in 2002.  nCompass’s Content Management System (CMS) become the foundation of the WCM capabilities in SharePoint.  Since then, Microsoft has been adding features to support WCM in SharePoint.

The launch of SharePoint 2013 preview presents an interesting opportunity for companies to consolidate all of their web infrastructure to SharePoint 2013…this can provide a great of value to companies by reducing the overall management costs as well as having a focused team.

Tenany also provides a summary of SharePoint 2013 improvements to support WCM, including the ability to work easily with video content, multi-lingual site support, and analytics and recommendations.

When it comes to creating Web site content and managing a Web presence, organizations may also want to look closer at their site search. With no installation, configuration or maintenance required, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite is designed to intuitively find information on your site with a user friendly interface. Here you can read how InSite “recognizes correlations and links through semantic and dynamic search processes. This delivers pinpoint accurate and precise finding experiences.”

Philip West, September 10, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.

KiteDesk Aggregates Cloud Services with Actionable Data

September 8, 2012

KiteDesk, a company focused on integrating multiple cloud services in one location, got a major redesign this week for the company’s official launch. According to the article released about the service on Tech Crunch, titled “KiteDesk Goes Where Greplin Failed: Aggregates Cloud Services for Search, Discovery & Interoperability,” the platform lets users connect email, contacts, calendar events, documents from social networking, and more in your KiteDesk account. From there, you can search all of these services at once and organize the data. KiteDesk is not the first company to try to aggregate the cloud, but most other startups have not fared well.

The article gives this insight:

“[…]KiteDesk co-founder and CEO Jack Kennedy says that he thinks companies that have attempted to compete in this space have been too narrowly focused to achieve the goals that are emerging for this class of software. ‘We see Personalized Information as a “Macro Trend” that’s buttressed by other trends like BYOD, consumerization of I.T., and a gradually diminishing line between personal and professional systems,’ he explains.”

KiteDesk may succeed where others have failed by focusing more on letting users move files between services and creating streams to customize data instead of simply searching and sharing. The company is currently taking sign-ups for the free service and we look forward to seeing more from this niche.

Andrea Hayden, September 08, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.

Mindbreeze InSite Wins KMWorld Trendsetting Product Award

September 4, 2012

KMWorld has just announced the 2012 winners of their highly coveted Trendsetting Product Award and Mindbreeze yet again makes the prestigious list.  The September 3rd press release begins:

Mindbreeze receives the prestigious KMWorld Award for Mindbreeze InSite. The ‘Trend-Setting Products 2012’ were selected from more than 700 entries. KMWorld is the leading magazine for Knowledge Management Systems and Content and Document Management in the US.  Mindbreeze scored highly yet again with the KMWorld jury, receiving the prestigious KMWorld Award for Mindbreeze InSite. The “Trend-Setting Products 2012” were selected from more than 700 entries. KMWorld is the leading magazine for Knowledge Management Systems and Content and Document Management in the US. It is the fifth time in succession that Mindbreeze has won this award.

Mindbreeze has been awarded a KMWorld Trendsetting Product Award five years in a row.  While Mindbreeze is grounded on the strength of its enterprise search offering, Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise, InSite meets a new niche as organizations realize the importance of their public facing Web sites.  Bring the same intuitive search to your public facing Web presence that organizations have used for years to control their internal enterprise search.  In doing so your organization will join the ranks of other InSite users who can measure how often content is searched for, therefore maximizing content to increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Emily Rae Aldridge, September 4, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.

Semantics and Facets in Mindbreeze InSite

August 30, 2012

Fabasoft Mindbreeze will not only meet your internal enterprise search needs, but can also meet external needs in terms of your public facing Web site.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite can provide your users with intuitive search on your Web presence.  The Fabsoft Mindbreeze blog entry, “Semantics and Facets: Mindbreeze InSite Makes Your News Cosmos ‘Sexy,’” pays attention to the topic.

The author begins:

The key term is semantic search, which means ‘understanding content.’ And I’m proud to be able to report that Mindbreeze InSite can do this perfectly. But how does it work? It’s not magic code, just statistical mathematics and sophisticated content analysis. Both aspects molded together in one program give Mindbreeze its power to ‘think.’  Through content analysis and statistics, Mindbreeze InSite really can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each website operator. Essentially the result is always the same: The perfect search results you need quickly. You can also search, for example, according to author, topic, tags and terms.

The semantic and faceted search can pay real dividends for your business.  Users appreciate a hassle-free and intuitive experience when navigating a Web site.  This can be especially useful in retail contexts.  In addition, Fabasoft Mindbreeze backs all their products with outstanding customer support and frequent updates.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 30, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Even Better with Summer 2012 Release

August 29, 2012

One of the many positives to the Fabasoft Mindbreeze suite of solutions is the company’s dedication to quarterly updates.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze ensures that customers keep up with current trends while never having to bother with disruptive overhauls.  Unlike Microsoft, famous for its three-year cycle of software updates, Fabasoft Mindbreeze ensures that products are constantly improved instead of infrequently replaced.  The summer 2012 release of Fabasoft Mindbreeze pays a lot of attention to social media needs.

The Fabasoft Mindbreeze blog says:

Nowadays almost every company uses social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook just as much as a document management system. So why not use these tools to collect our search results?  The new Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise 2012 Summer Release offers exactly this possibility: Collect from all open interfaces. This helps a company’s employees to save time and energy for the most important tasks, thereby increasing customer satisfaction.

In addition to paying attention to Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite also gets some attention.  InSite gets a facelift with federating capabilities.

Individualism also applies to federated data sources with Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite. Your website visitors can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise and Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite make you ready for the future. Connect Enterprise and the Cloud. Conveniently and easily.

Regardless of your enterprise technology needs, Fabasoft Mindbreeze has a solution to help you meet it.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 29, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.

Kona Data Search Bets on Salesforce as Salesforce Swims Against the Current

August 27, 2012

One-size-fits-all search has become a tough sale. Presumably clever enterprise search vendors have embraced wordsmithing in order to boost sales. Examples range from converting a deduplicating technology into big data, shifting an entity extraction program to business analytics, and presenting XML as a “new” content manipulation tool which slices, dices, and chops with ease.

I learned via a random LinkedIn message that a copy called Kona Data Search. I pinged the company, was promised information, and even followed up (a rare action for the addled goose). After some dithering, I checked out the company’s Web site (which created some choking and stumbling for my so-so Chrome browser) and learned:

Kona Search [for Salesforce] is a relevancy-based text search application for Salesforce, with a Search Results page and a pop-up sidebar, or “Search Gadget,” for persistent display. Relevancy is a way of sorting search results based on how well they match the terms in a user’s query. You may be familiar with relevancy from public web search applications like Google search. KonaSearch applies the same principals to Salesforce objects. Also like the web search applications, KonaSearch highlights the words that match in the results so you can see why an object was included. The current release can search text, dates, and numbers for the main Sales Cloud objects. Immediately following this release will be more Salesforce products, Chatter®, and Microsoft Outlook.

Searching for information on Salesforce is okay. There are problems when one has quite a few employees using Salesforce and a super user needs to pinpoint a specific email or contact interaction chain for something like eDiscovery or checking up on a sales professional who has just resigned.

Kona asserts that it delivers such functionality as:

  • Auto suggestion
  • Field specific search
  • Date and number search
  • Entity extraction
  • Facets
  • Nested Boolean
  • Phrase detection
  • Spelling correction
  • Stemming
  • Synonym expansion
  • Term biasing (weighting)
  • Wildcards

The service costs about $240 per user per year.

In short, Kona includes the basics of what might be called traditional enterprise search. Google’s original search appliance intentionally trimmed such functions from its user interface. The assumption was that enterprise users don’t know how to formulate complex queries and are more interested in slamming in a word or two and getting relevant results. We know that neither traditional enterprise search nor the Google approach has hit home runs over the last few years.

What makes Kona interesting is that it is approaching the market with what appears to be an initial  focus on Salesforce. (Versions of Kona for other systems is promised, however.) Now Salesforce is an interesting company, but I heard a rumor that Google considered purchased Salesforce seven years ago. But Google passed. Now Salesforce has to fight the likes of Oracle and smaller companies’ iPad apps to stay in the game. Salesforce has the same cost control problem that is gobbling Amazon’s margins.

According to “Salesforce Losses Swell, Despite Rise in Sales,” high flying Salesforce may have sucked some errant geese into its jet engines. The Register said:

Software-as-a-Service pin-up Salesforce.com reported growing losses despite increased sales. The hosted CRM provider reported a loss of $9.82m on a 34 per cent increase in net sales to $73.6m for the three-month period to 31 July.

Then added, “The company’s costs are increasing as it adds more staff to sell to the enterprise, against rivals such as Oracle and SAP.”

Here in Harrod’s Creek, the river dogs say, “Rising water lifts them boats.” What happens when the water level falls? Will Kona be able to float the Salesforce boat or will Salesforce get stuck in the mud and drag down Kona? We are monitoring the revenue flow gauge.

Stephen E Arnold, August 27, 2012

Sponsored by Augmentext

IntelTrax Top Stories August 17 to August 23

August 27, 2012

This week the IntelTrax advanced intelligence blog published some innovative articles regarding the state of analytics solutions and the various industries that they are permeating.

Analytics Providers on Roll with Online Marketing” discusses how data analytics is slowly but surely breaking into the online marketing industry through partnerships that offer customers online marketing analytics.

The article highlights a recent partnership between Emory Digital and National Analytics:

“The platform includes a daily website audit, competitive position and gap analysis, website analysis, keyword analysis, link analysis, conversion analysis, benchmark tracking and ROI tracking, and project management. The software tracks Key Performance Indicators that go far beyond search engine rankings. It measures brand engagement, pages bringing traffic, page view per visit, new visits, time on site, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce transactions and revenue and lead generation.”

Another industry that is starting to rely as heavily on data mining as rock mining is the field of geology. “Big Data Teams with Geologists to Mine the Earth” discusses how there is a new tool that speeds up the process of data mining and exploration for geologists.

The article details:

“GDD’s Field Data Integrator combines best-of-breed technologies for collecting, managing and analyzing data more rapidly. The end-to-end solution enables geologists to collect samples in shorter time frames, and then quickly analyze large volumes sample data for complex scenarios such as such as project timings, cash flows and profitability with greater sensitivity levels….GDD’s Field Data Integrator automatically synchronizes sample data from various field instruments, GPS, and cameras onto a ‘tough’ tablet using Bluetooth. Geologists enter notes directly onto the tablet using on-screen or wireless keyboards, enabling all data on samples to be collected automatically into a single source. The tablet then automatically synchronizes with a master database running Vectorwise whenever in mobile range, saving geologists time in manual data entry.”

The Financial industry is also being highly impacted by data analytics, according to “Cloud Makes Financial Analysis Easier.” The post discusses a new cloud based data visualization system called Adaptive Discovery. Adaptive Planning, the creator of the new product, claims that it has an intuitive visual interface that will appeal to business managers, allowing them to more easily access, analyze, and explore key financial and operational data.

The article states:

“Adaptive Discovery, the visual discovery application within the Adaptive Planning suite of performance management solutions, allows companies of all sizes to quickly and easily understand and take action upon their companywide data. Business users can easily compile, display and explore data from multiple systems and lines of business with highly visual, interactive dashboards and scorecards. The application presents data in ways that managers can easily grasp, so they are able to make better day-to-day decisions. Adaptive Discovery delivers an exciting new level of capability and interactivity that is far superior to both static data in spreadsheets and the limited reporting options available in existing enterprise applications.”

While Adaptive Discovery is one solution that improves data mining, there are also other affordable data analytics solutions on the market. Digital Reasoning has a long standing reputation of bringing data analytics to a variety of industries, including the financial world.

Jasmine Ashton, August 27, 2012

Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext.


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