For SharePoint 2013 Less Might be More

September 5, 2012

As the discussion continues surrounding the new features rolled out in SharePoint 2013, an interesting conversation is taking place.  Many experts believe that SharePoint is drowning its users in too many options.  Chris Wright at CMS Wire continues this conversation in his article, “SharePoint 2013 Needs Less Features, Not More.”

Wright begins:

SharePoint 2013 is packed with lots of new and exciting features.

Users can experience the revamped MySites, with FaceBook style activity feeds and the ability to ‘follow’ pretty much anything. Developers have ‘apps’ to get their teeth into, allowing them to create SharePoint components in pretty much any language they wish . . . The list of new features goes on and on . . . All of these new features are very exciting, but what do end users make of it all? Will they actually notice? Will they get a better experience? I’m not so sure.

Wright states that there are lots of things that SharePoint 2013 does well, yet wading through all the unnecessary options is daunting.  For small to medium size organizations, it might be worthwhile to invest in a smart third party solution.  Investing in something like Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise can intuitively customize your existing enterprise infrastructure in one swift motion, avoiding costly detailed customization.

Emily Rae Aldridge, September 5, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

SharePoint Customization for NonDevelopers

September 3, 2012

Customization in SharePoint is always a hot topic, as it can be difficult, costly, and non-intuitive.  However, Ricardo Wilkins at the Microsoft SharePoint Blog believes it can be possible even for the non-developer.  Read all of his ideas at his post, “Fake It ‘til You Make It – Alternatives to Custom Application Pages for Non-Developers.”

Wilkins begins:

SharePoint is a versatile tool meant to empower end-users. So, for me it seems such a shame when end-users feel powerless when it comes to their ability to ‘create’ in SharePoint. Sometimes for a non-developer, it can seem like the only way to make something interesting in SharePoint (besides a fancy list or some Wiki pages) is to get help from a Developer or Web Designer. But I submit that, with a little creativity (and maybe some smoke-n-mirrors), non-developers can make an ‘application’ that looks and feels like a Developer’s custom application page.

Wilkins goes on to provide a good list of not only techniques for customization, but also software add-ons and apps to make that possible.  An alternative is to invest in a smart third-party solution that streamlines the customization process simply by being inherently more intuitive.  One such solution is Fabasoft Mindbreeze, which boasts an entire suite of effective solutions for the enterprise.  However, in regard to SharePoint, Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise can serve as a standalone alternative, or a compliment to an existing SharePoint infrastructure.

See for yourself if your SharePoint customization woes might be eased by the simple addition of Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise.

Emily Rae Aldridge, September 3, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Clearing Up or Adding to the SharePoint 2013 Rumor Mill

August 31, 2012

As rumors continue to fly regarding SharePoint 2013 it is hard to say at this point whether they are being dispelled or expounded.  ShareMuch is adding their two cents with a Screencast video specifically targeted at SharePoint search and FAST search.  Watch the full video, “Screencast: Clearing Some Rumors Around Sharepoint 2013 Search and FAST Features.”

The author gives us some points to be on the lookout for as we watch:

Here are some highlights of the video:
1. Search service is still a service application
2. Configuration options in Central Admin UI are pretty much the same as in SharePoint 2010 search
3. Content sources can be defined on the site and tied to a rendering template
4. Query Builder is a neat feature to create query transformations and preview them before publishing
5. Importing and exporting search configurations is great

SharePoint 2013 is exciting.  The enterprise search community can hardly wait to see what’s around the corner.  But for some smaller enterprises, a smart idea might be a third party solution.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise can work as a standalone solution or compliment an existing SharePoint infrastructure.  Updates are released quarterly and require no maintenance or hassle on the part of the organization.

Philip West, August 31, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

EntropySoft Offers SharePoint Users Aid

August 31, 2012

SharePoint is a big name in the semantics tech world, but unfortunately it is not a one-stop shop. For businesses who are trying to utilize SharePoint’s features, the not so savvy user might need to access the program information, making things complicated to say the least. The article, Search and Act in SharePoint explains how using extra tools like EntropySoft’s FAST Search makes for a better user experience:

“EntropySoft’s FAST Search for SharePoint and FAST ESP Connectors allow documents from external content repositories to be included within their indexes. This means users can securely search and find documents from these external ECM systems directly from the native search bar in SharePoint…Users can access document versions and metadata, and with the appropriate permissions, they can also edit meta data or delete versions.”

The solutions to some of SharePoints most pesky user issues definitely allows for a more enjoyable experience using the program. In an ideal world our BI technologies would be advanced enough that there wouldn’t be a need for extra tools like EntrophySoft’s Fast Search or their other child EntropySoft Content Hub SharePoint Edition, a tool that allows an easy to use single point of access – but, we will take what we can get.

Edie Marie, August 31, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

WAND Inc Makes Integration Plans with Nintex Workflow Official

August 30, 2012

Last week WAND, Inc announced its plans to integrate with Nintex Workflow. Wand, Inc is attributed to making search work better by the use of its various taxonomies and Nintex is the world’s leader in SharePoint Workflow. Separately they are powerhouses in their specific field and combined they seem to have a lot to offer each other. The article, WAND adds automatic tagging to Nintex Workflow sheds some more light on what this match up could mean:

“The DataFacet Automatic Annotation custom action for Nintex Workflow allows a user to automatically tag documents with taxonomy metadata as part of a workflow process. Users who have DataFacet and Nintex Workflow …will be able take advantage of this custom action to control when a document is automatically tagged and base conditional actions on those tags. Workflows can be configured to tag documents with any terminology that is stored in the SharePoint Term Store, including terms from any of WAND’s Foundation Taxonomies.”

If everything runs smoothly for these two, this seems like a decent match up that has some great potential. I think it is safe to say that we can be expecting some great things from these guys in the coming years.

Edie Marie, August 30, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

MetaVis Leaders in SharePoint Migration Web Site Launch

August 30, 2012

MetaVis Technologies are innovation leaders in the semantics industry. They are well known for their SharePoint Migration and data managing tools. Their company just recently announced the launch of their new web site, The site is said to offer new solutions for migration, administration, and have different tools for SharePoint users. The article, MetaVis Technologies Launches New Website goes into more detail:

“Our new Website reflects the tremendous growth we have seen with sales growing more than 175 percent year over year,” said Peter Senescu, President and Co-founder of MetaVis Technologies. “Our new product suites are built on the MetaVis platform providing one user interface to manage all your migration, security, backup and information architecture needs in SharePoint or Office365. Customers no longer need multiple third-party vendors or products.”

MetaVis Technologies is a household name in the SharePoint migration world and nothing but the newest technologies and highest grade is expected from their latest installment. You can expect to see things like their Migration Suite, Administration Suite, Tools for Office 365, and Tools for SharePoint Users on the new site. As an added bonus all products from this company already come SharePoint 2013 ready.

Edie Marie, August 30, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Even Better with Summer 2012 Release

August 29, 2012

One of the many positives to the Fabasoft Mindbreeze suite of solutions is the company’s dedication to quarterly updates.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze ensures that customers keep up with current trends while never having to bother with disruptive overhauls.  Unlike Microsoft, famous for its three-year cycle of software updates, Fabasoft Mindbreeze ensures that products are constantly improved instead of infrequently replaced.  The summer 2012 release of Fabasoft Mindbreeze pays a lot of attention to social media needs.

The Fabasoft Mindbreeze blog says:

Nowadays almost every company uses social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook just as much as a document management system. So why not use these tools to collect our search results?  The new Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise 2012 Summer Release offers exactly this possibility: Collect from all open interfaces. This helps a company’s employees to save time and energy for the most important tasks, thereby increasing customer satisfaction.

In addition to paying attention to Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite also gets some attention.  InSite gets a facelift with federating capabilities.

Individualism also applies to federated data sources with Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite. Your website visitors can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise and Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite make you ready for the future. Connect Enterprise and the Cloud. Conveniently and easily.

Regardless of your enterprise technology needs, Fabasoft Mindbreeze has a solution to help you meet it.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 29, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

SharePoint Updates and Versions

August 28, 2012

SharePoint followers understand the constant battle in terms of keeping up with SharePoint versions and updates.   Microsoft is notorious for its three-year cycle of highly-anticipated updates.  In the meantime, small tweaks and patches normally focus on capability with emerging technologies as well as fixes and security patches.  On the Material SharePoint  blog, James Sturges helps sort out the details in, “SharePoint Versions and Updates.”

Sturges begins:

Thus far I haven’t found a simple official chart by Microsoft on TechNet or otherwise that shows not only the version number for each SP version. Even more, the few resources I’ve found only cover 2010 individually, and certainly not WSS/MOSS. However, Todd Carter has a brilliant blog post on all major SP versions for 2007 and 2010 I’ve referred to so many times I copied here below. I refer to it so much in fact that when he recently moved his blog and the page was unavailable for a day or so I was completely lost.

The remainder of the post is equally helpful for those who follow SharePoint.  However, for enterprise users who are tired of keeping up with changing versions complicated updates, a switch to a smart third-party solution might be a good bet.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise serves as a stand-alone enterprise solution or compliments an existing SharePoint infrastructure.  Most importantly, Fabasoft Mindbreeze provides ease of use and an intuitive interface, both of which SharePoint lacks.

Emily Rae Aldridge, August 28, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Hardware and Software Requirements for SharePoint 2013 Explained

August 24, 2012

In his post, “SharePoint 2013: A Look at Hardware, Software and Other Requirements,” Wictor Wilen explains some requirements users should expect with the upcoming SharePoint 2013 release. Wilen summarizes:

A few new requirements and increased hardware resources compared to SharePoint 2010. But this is all about planning – you cannot just take the requirement and apply that onto your SharePoint 2013 farm, you need to evaluate your farm design and test it. Over the next few months I expect to see some great design samples including metrics from MSIT and of course gain experience from the 2013 engagements starting now…

As far as operating systems, SharePoint 2013 will support Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2012. Database servers, .NET Framwork, and hardware requirements are also discussed. If you are thinking to migrate or adopt the new release, you may want to check out Wilen’s summary as you make your plans.

And while SharePoint adoption continues to grow and the platform develops, you may want to consider a cost-effective solution available now to boost your farm. A comprehensive third party application worth a second look is the suite of solutions available from Fabasoft Mindbreeze. With clear navigation and a self-explanatory interface, Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise facilitates findability. No install solutions are also available, including Mindbreeze InSite.

Philip West, August 24, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Microsoft Issues Exchange Sharepoint Related Security Advisory

August 24, 2012

Possible a first in the industry, Microsoft Security Research Center published Microsoft Security Advisory (2737111), which describes how possible vulnerabilities in Oracle Outside In libraries affect the WebReady Document Viewing functionality of Microsoft Exchange and FAST Search Server. Oracle also released their own Critical Patch Update Advisory. Here are more details about the security risk:

“The vulnerabilities exist due to the way that files are parsed by the third-party, Oracle Outside In libraries. In the most severe case of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, it is possible under certain conditions for the vulnerabilities to allow an attacker to take control of the server process that is parsing a specially crafted file. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or take any other action that the server process has access to do.”

If you think you may be affected by this, look at this blog post that recommends the workarounds to be done.

Take note that there are 24 other companies – some of them industry giants – that also make use of the said Oracle library. Some of them are IBM, Cisco, Symantec, and McAfee. Hopefully, these companies will soon be able to assess the impact of the said vulnerability on their platforms and issue a security update soon.

Lauren Llamanzares, August 24, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

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