Protected: Defining SharePoint Roles and Playing with Kittens: Good Ideas

December 1, 2011

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ConceptSearching Add-Ons

December 1, 2011

In “Useful Enterprise Search Hastens SharePoint User Adoption,” the author briefly discusses conceptSearching and its business case targeted at the heavily regulated industries – banking, finance, healthcare, energy, etc. – and government SharePoint customers. So what are the user benefits? We learned:

Very fast recognition of any/all compliance sensitive…Further benefits include automatic recognition of document themes, referred to as “concepts” in the conceptSearching promotional material on their website, which should be particularly useful as compliance officers review and assimilate new documents to ensure that published information meets the objectives of the enterprise and conforms to guidance.

And the caveat? The benefits are delivered via a suite of products and add-ons including conceptClassifier and conceptTaxonomy Manager. Excellent search results rely on the right structure and the right tools.

We want to spend less time configuring add-ons and more time developing business intelligence. While Sharepoint adoption continues to grow, it still is not an out-of-the-box solution for enterprises.  If you need a bit of help with improving SharePoint search,you might check into Mindbreeze, the company seems to have the installation and the benefits of a proper installation down pat.

Sara Wood, December 1, 2011

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Protected: Metalogix Software can Migrate Google Content to SharePoint

November 30, 2011

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NASA and Google Refocus on Enterprise Search Project

November 30, 2011

Researchers at the NASA Langley Research Center helped make it possible for humans to land on the moon and robots to capture far-off worlds. Information giant Google has its roots in search. That was then.

Now NASA has lost the space program and Google lost focus on search. But that hasn’t stopped the two from teaming up to improve NASA’s Enterprise search capabilities. “NASA and Google tackle a major enterprise search project” explains:

“NASA researchers had become hindered by time-consuming and relatively labor-intensive searches that often returned questionable results. NASA workers usually had to log in to multiple systems to complete the searches, and there was no common search interface that could simultaneously display results from both internal and external sources.”

The two worked together closely to set up the Google Search Appliance that is currently up and running at NASA Langley. Both sides are satisfied with the final product for NASA’s research community.

But in the fast paced information world, you need to look to innovators focused specifically on enterprise search. You may want to check out Mindbreeze and their dynamic search technologies that bring together security, mobility, and information pairing.

Sara Wood, November 30, 2011

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Protected: Improve SPServices on SharePoint

November 29, 2011

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Protected: SharePoint Is a Sellout

November 28, 2011

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Information Volume Can Exceed Capacity to Cope

November 28, 2011

There has been much written about SharePoint 2010’s widespread and rapid adoption, but few people are shedding light on an organization’s ability to cope.  Ed Kelty, CIO of Rio Salado College in Arizona, talks about his college’s journey with SharePoint in “SharePoint adopted faster than any other application I’ve ever seen!”

While Kelty highlights many of the benefits gleaned from their SharePoint installation, he admits there have been struggles and weaknesses in the implementation.

“It’s not so much a weakness, but one of the issues we had with SharePoint is that we didn’t realize the level of flexibility and the power it had to develop different things … and we didn’t initially have a process in place to help govern what went where. And so our SharePoint sites, especially on our Employee Portal went crazy . . . In the last few years, we’ve been more organized about things – navigation and database storage and that sort of thing, but in the beginning, we didn’t have a clue how to best configure the system.”

There are other solutions that work independent of SharePoint, or alongside SharePoint, that might prevent the sort of out-of-control information explosion.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze is one third party solution that we like, especially for the kind of website customization that Kelty mentions above through its Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite.

“Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite recognizes correlations and links through semantic and dynamic search processes. This delivers pinpoint accurate and precise ‘finding experiences.’  And this with no installation, configuration or maintenance required. Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite is the website search that your company needs.”

You can prevent not only the out-of-control growth that Kelty mentions, but also save valuable configuration time, simply by choosing an option that handles this customization for you.  Explore solutions like Fabasoft Mindbreeze to ensure that your organization has an agile answer to its information needs.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 28, 2011

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Protected: SharePoint Teams Ignore the Information Professional’s Role

November 25, 2011

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Content Management Best Practices

November 25, 2011

With the raging demand for content management systems, not all organizations know how to correctly implement such systems, such as the ubiquitous SharePoint.  Specifically with SharePoint, an organization can’t just open the box and expect their content to be organized and retrievable.  Patrick Sledz lays out some best practices when working with content in SharePoint in his blog entry, “5 Best Practices for Working with Documents and SharePoint.”  In addition to advice about file naming, Sledz also addresses using SharePoint as a platform and not just a filing system.

“Use SharePoint as a Document Management Platform.  And I mean Platform, not just a secondary file storage location.  The file stored here is the ‘one version of the truth.’ This is your starting and ending point. DO NOT send this document to people, but send links to the document. This way you’ll keep just 1 version of the truth.”

Adding to the theme of organization and storage, Sledz recommends adding metadata.  While the advice is good for SharePoint users, we have found third party solutions that offer intuitive applications incorporating these principles.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze offers a suite of solutions that when combined provide for every aspect of an organization’s information storage and retrieval needs.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise offers its own enterprise solution, or Fabasoft Mindbreeze Connector syncs up with an organization’s current SharePoint applications, increasing usability and retrieval.

“The Microsoft SharePoint Connector connects the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server to Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise and enables the search for documents stored in that application.”

Metadata is innate and intuitive with a solution like Mindbreeze.  So while the above best practices are a good reminder for any organization using enterprise solutions, a smart enterprise solution will provide more answers and leave your organization with less questions.   Check out Fabasoft Mindbreeze to see if their products can save you time and trouble.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 25, 2011

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Protected: SharePoint is the Fastest Growing Content Tool

November 24, 2011

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