SharePoint and Its Sometimes Interesting Costs

November 3, 2011

SharePoint is touted as the ultimate solution to content management and collaboration for enterprises. Microsoft, however, never discusses the costs associated with their software, except for how it’s cost effective and overtime will save your business money. But is that true? posted an enlightening article about the hidden costs involved in a SharePoint project, “Study: SharePoint Costs High Due to Inadequate Skills.”

A study conducted by the Azaleos Corp. discovered that the average cost to run SharePoint per user is $46/month. Using Microsoft Exchange proved to be cheaper at $15-15/month per user. SharePoint users also cited downtime as the most common problem.

“The downtime mostly stemmed from hardware errors or mistakes made by IT team members. Those problems caused average monthly management costs for SharePoint to double to around $90 per user per month. Almost half (43 percent) of study respondents pointed to “a lack of administrator skills, training, and knowledge as an inhibitor to efficiently leveraging SharePoint.”

SharePoint is still a young piece of software with a manifest destiny for its future. Its problems are many, but there are a lot of third party solutions to resolve them. At the end of the article, Azaleos Corp. advertises it’s AzaleosX app to help increase uptime.

We believe that you may want to take a close look at the cost effective search and content processing solution from SurfRay. Contain costs and improve user satisfaction with one snap in for SharePoint.

Whitney Grace, November 3, 2011


Spotlight: Mindbreeze Information Pairing

November 2, 2011

We wanted to continue our spotlight on Mindbreeze, a unit of the highly regarded Fabasoft. You will want to bookmark the Mindbreeze blog at this link and take note of “Information Pairing. Knowledge Match Making for Your Company.”

With companies flopping like caught trout in the bottom of a fishing boat, the ability to locate the person in your organization with information germane to your work is essential.

The challenge, according to Mindbreeze, is to locate the individual with the experience, information, and insight to assist in answering a business question. Walking around no longer works because many companies have employees who are at client locations, working from a different facility, or responding to email from an airport waiting lounge.

The blog article asserts:

Fabasoft Mindbreeze has the answer: Information pairing. This involves the boundless networking of company relevant information within an enterprise or organization and placing it in the Cloud. In my opinion acting in this way in all business issues is reliable, dynamic and profitable – the basis for competitive advantage.

The method relies on the Mindbreeze core technology which delivers information with pinpoint accuracy. The write up continues:

Existing identities and access rights to company-internal and Cloud data remain preserved. The user only receives information displayed for which he/she has access rights for. This ensures that Fabasoft Mindbreeze fulfills the strictest compliance requirements. Furthermore, Mindbreeze is certified according to all relevant security standards.

The Mindbreeze technology for “information pairing” allows in a unique way to enrich documents and information in a secure and highly efficient way with enterprise and even content from the Cloud. Information gets dynamically annotated with “knowledge” extracted and harvested from cloud services (public and private ones), e.g. like Wikipedia or Fabasoft Folio Cloud. This is a very innovative and impressive way to combine information effectively and annotate existing and preprocessed entities on the fly.

So for instance: You need to know everything about a lead? Mindbreeze combines every information in your enterprise, like your CRM and connects the information with suitable content from sources like Wikipedia, LinkedIn, social media like Facebook and even on your web analytics account and comes up with a unified view of all the information that’s available for this lead.

Unlike some search and content processing vendors, Fabasoft has taken care to ensure that privacy and security work as the organization intends. Fabasoft and Mindbreeze hold SAS70 and ISO 27001 certifications for their cloud services. This is unique in the enterprise search space. According the write up, the focus has been on putting “values” about these important norms in the firm’s software and systems.

Take a look at

Stephen E. Arnold, November 2, 2011

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Protected: Is Microsoft SharePoint a Facebook Service?

November 2, 2011

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Spotlight: Mindbreeze on the SharePoint Stage

November 1, 2011

A new feature, mentioned in the Beyond Search story “Software and Smart Content.” We will be taking a close look at some vendors. Some will be off the board; for example, systems which have been acquired and, for all practical purposes, their feature set frozen. I have enlisted Abe Lederman, one of the founders of Verity (now a unit of Autonomy and Hewlett Packard)  and now the chief executive of Deep Web Technologies.

Our first company under the spotlight is Mindbreeze, which is a unit of Fabasoft, which is one of the leading, if not the leading, Microsoft partners in Austria. Based in Linz, Mindbreeze offers are remarkably robust search and content processing solution.

The company is a leader in adding functionality to basic search, finding, and indexing tasks in organizations worldwide. In August 2011, CMSWire’s “A Strategic Look at SharePoint: Economics, Information & People” made this point:

SharePoint continues to grow in organizations of all sizes, from document collaboration and intranet publishing, to an increasing focus on business process workflows, internet and extranets. Today, many organizations are now in flight with their 2010 upgrades, replacing other portals and ECM applications, and even embracing social computing all on SharePoint.

The Mindbreeze system, according to Daniel Fallmann, the individual who was the mastermind behind the Mindbreeze technology, “snaps in” to Microsoft SharePoint and addresses many of the challenges that a SharePoint administrator encounters when trying to respond to diverse user needs in search and retrieval. In as little as a few hours, maybe a day, a company struggling to locate information in a SharePoint installation can be finding documents using a friendly, graphical interface.

My recollection of Mindbreeze is that it was a “multi stage” service oriented architecture. For me, this means that system administrators can configure the system from a central administrative console and work through the graphical set up screens to handle content crawling (acquisition), indexing, and querying.

The system supports mobile search and can support “apps,” which are quickly becoming the preferred method of accessing certain types of reports. The idea is that a Mindbreeze user from sales can access the content needed prior to a sales call from a mobile device.

According to Andreas Fritschi, a government official at Canton Thurgau:

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise makes our everyday work much easier. This is also an advantage for our citizens. They receive their information much faster. This software can be used by people in all sectors of public administration, from handling enquiries to people in management.

Why is the tight integration with Microsoft SharePoint important? There are three reasons that our work in search and content processing highlights.

First, there are more than 100 million SharePoint installations and most of the Fortune 1000 are using SharePoint to provide employees with content management, collaboration, and specialized search-centric functions such as locating a person with a particular area of knowledge in one’s organization. With Mindbreeze, these functions become easier to use and require no custom coding to implement within a SharePoint environment.

Second, users are demanding answers, not laundry lists. The Mindbreeze approach allows a licensee to set up the system to deliver exactly with a group of users or a single user requires. The tailoring occurs within the Fabasoft and Mindbreeze “composite content environment.” Fabasoft and Mindbreeze deliver easy-to-use configuration tools. Mash ups are a few clicks away.

Third, Mindbreeze makes use of the Fabasoft work flow technology. Information can be moved from Point A to Point B without requiring changing users’ work behaviors. As a result, user satisfaction rises.

You can learn more about Mindbreeze at Information about Fabasoft and its technology are at

Stephen E Arnold, November 1, 2011

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Protected: More Products for SharePoint Governance Problems

November 1, 2011

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Protected: The Top Fortune 500 SharePoint Users

October 31, 2011

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Protected: Useful Claims-Based Authentication White Paper

October 28, 2011

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SharePoint Search Best Practices

October 27, 2011

SharePoint search tips are of particular interest to us here at Beyond Search. We strive to sort the chafe from the wheat and sometimes turning to the source material is the best way to do that.

We noted a quite useful series of best practice articles from Microsoft’s own TechNet Web site. Navigate to “Best Practices for Search in SharePoint Server 2010.” The article explains the best methods for enterprise search and it applies to both SharePoint Server 2010 and Microsoft Search Server 2010.

What we like about this article is that it outlines the best methods without beating around the bush. As with many SharePoint plans, there’s a simple to follow list:

  1. Plan the deployment
  2. Start with a well-configured infrastructure
  3. Manage access by using Windows security groups or by using role claims for forms-based authentication or authentication using a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) security token
  4. Defragment the search database
  5. Monitor SQL Server latency
  6. Test the crawling and querying subsystems after you change any configuration or apply updates
  7. Review the antivirus policy.

Each step is given its own section with additional information that goes into further detail about how to deploy the ideas.

What we noted about this article is that it is an official Microsoft document.

We want to include our own best practice. When it comes to making findability brings smiles to SharePoint users’ faces, we rely on SurfRay Ontolica to deliver SharePoint 2010 search.

Whitney Grace, October 27, 2011


SharePoint 2010 Is Easy to Adopt for a Reason

October 26, 2011

Amidst the news of Forrester Research’s results of a SharePoint 2010 Adoption and Migration Trends, I thought it would beneficial to take another look at Search Technologies article, “Leading with Search: A SharePoint 2010 Implementation Strategy.”

First, a little bit about the survey: 510 IT decision makers involved with evaluating, specifying, or administering SharePoint 2010 were consulted about their experiences. The article reported:

On the IT side, 79 percent of respondents said that SharePoint is meeting their expectations, with 21 percent giving a negative reply. When asked if SharePoint had met business management expectations, 73 percent said “Yes,” while 27 percent said “No.”

According to Search Technologies article, it’s no wonder that SharePoint has such positive feedback. They are all about engaging their users. It is both transparent data migration and easy enterprise searching and browsing that lead to user’s motivation to adopt to this platform.

Research shows that it takes 21 days to form a habit. With all the perks of SharePoint, I wonder if it takes even that long for users to feel at ease with the adoption. We know that if a SharePoint licensee relies on Search Technologies for engineering support, the speed of adoption accelerates as does user satisfaction. For more information about Search Technologies, navigate to

Iain Fletcher, October 26, 2011

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Protected: More Cheerleading for SharePoint Social Functions

October 26, 2011

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